View Full Version : Scuffs on the threshold

03-20-2008, 08:29 PM
If this has been addressed before, my apologies.

I keep my wife's new Lexus spotless. I've been doing amateur detailing for years, but have come across a problem that I haven't found a solution to.

When she gets in and out, she frequently scuffs the plastic on the threshold and sometimes the bottom part of the door panel, (it's tan) and I've tried everything that I have to get them out. I can reduce them by 90%, but there is that little bit that remains, and I'd like to know if there is a product or technique that will get the area completely clean.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

03-20-2008, 08:41 PM
I personally haven't had this problem yet, but IIRC people have mentioned using a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser (or it's generic equivalent).

03-20-2008, 09:10 PM
^^^yep, Magic Eraser will usually get out stubborn scuffs. Be very careful because they are abrasive. I scrub very, very lightly and concentrate just on the scuff until gone. It's easy to do too much and change the color slightly.

Mike T
03-20-2008, 09:46 PM
^^^yep, Magic Eraser will usually get out stubborn scuffs. Be very careful because they are abrasive. I scrub very, very lightly and concentrate just on the scuff until gone. It's easy to do too much and change the color slightly.


03-21-2008, 06:04 AM
Thanks for the tip and advice! I'll give it a try this weekend. I buy several products off of this site, but it hadn't dawned on me to ask that nagging question until yesterday. Im the MAN

03-21-2008, 06:11 AM
"and sometimes the bottom part of the door panel". Do you mean the painted section? If so, any APC and a towel should get it off. As for the plastic portion - try APC and a fingernail brush. Magic Eraser is a "last resort" product.

03-21-2008, 08:47 AM
"and sometimes the bottom part of the door panel". Do you mean the painted section? If so, any APC and a towel should get it off. As for the plastic portion - try APC and a fingernail brush. Magic Eraser is a "last resort" product.

The bottom of the door panel is colored vinyl, textured to match the leather.

Sorry, on this forum I would be considered a noob. What is an APC?

03-21-2008, 08:35 PM
..What is an APC?

All Purpose Cleaner. There is a "decoder ring" to decode the acronyms somewhere on this site, check for a sticky.