View Full Version : Are the detail classes worth it?

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11-22-2019, 04:01 PM
Hey everyone,

I've been pondering doing some weekend detailing for some extra cash. I have limited practice with professional detailing but I enjoy doing it in my free time. I have been researching classes and being in Michigan, Esoteric Car Care is very close and they just posted a great deal for some of their 2020 classes. I'm wondering if anyone has taken the Esoteric class and if it was worth it? Also if you took a class from any other large detail companies was it worth it? I had a friend do the DetailKing class and his biggest complaint was that they were trying to sell him their products the whole time. I'm really looking for a good hands on class that is close to Michigan.


11-22-2019, 04:17 PM
Check out Mike P's classes, might be well worth the time.
Mike has the most thorough detailing classes on the planet. Check out his schedule for 2020.
BTW he doesn't try to sell you products, that's Nick, Bobby and Meghan's job.

11-22-2019, 04:39 PM
yup , check roadshow detailing class with Mike , usually a full 2 days hands on

Bobby B.
11-22-2019, 04:45 PM
Mike Phillips Detailing Boot Camp and Roadshow Detailing Classes are worth it IMO. These are "Hands-On" classes.

car detailing class, how to detail a car instructional class, mike phillips detailing class, best detailing classes for detailing (https://www.autogeek.net/detailing-boot-camp.html)

Autogeek's Roadshow Detailing Classes (https://www.autogeek.net/autogeek-roadshow.html)

Mike Phillips
11-22-2019, 05:19 PM
I have been researching classes and being in Michigan, Esoteric Car Care is very close and they just posted a great deal for some of their 2020 classes. I'm wondering if anyone has taken the Esoteric class and if it was worth it?

I've known Todd at Esoteric for years. He has a stellar reputation. I have people that have attended his classes, Detail King classes and others attend my classes and they say 2 things,

1: Todd's classes are good. A good mix of classroom time and hands-on time.

2: My classes are the most hands-on classes.

It seems like every week there's a someone new claiming to be an instructor and now offering detailing classes. God bless them and go for it. My recommendation is to look for pictures showing real people doing real hands-on and when it comes to documenting classes, no one does it better than me.

Here's just a few examples, and keep in mind, it takes an entirely different skill set to make all these pictures magically show up on a vBulletin discussion forum and endure over time. A monkey can be taught how to put a picture on Facebook.

3-Day classes here at Autogeek in Stuart, Florida

Pictures: May 2019 Detailing Bootcamp Class at Autogeek with Mike Phillips (https://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/pictures-from-autogeeks-3-day-detailing-classes-with-mike-phillips/123110-pictures-may-2019-detailing-bootcamp-class-autogeek-mike-phillips.html)

Pictures & Comments - January 2016 Competition Ready 3-Day Detailing Class with Mike Phillips (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/pictures-comments-acr-detailing-classes-mike-phillips/98353-pictures-comments-january-2016-competition-ready-3-day-detailing-class-mike-phillips.html)

How to do high quality production detailing - Your largest market! (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/pictures-detailing-boot-camp-classes/94327-how-do-high-quality-production-detailing-your-largest-market.html)

Pictures & Comments from the February 2017 Competition Ready Detailing Class! (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/pictures-comments-competition-ready-3-day-detailing-classes-mike-phillips/107807-pictures-comments-february-2017-competition-ready-detailing-class.html)

1970 Superbird Detailing Class - The art of polishing paint - Competition Ready Detailing Classes at Autogeek (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/pictures-comments-competition-ready-3-day-detailing-classes-mike-phillips/105830-1970-superbird-detailing-class-art-polishing-paint-competition-ready-detailing-classes-autogeek.html)

The Flex 3401 Car Detailing Class - Hands-on real-world training (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/pictures-detailing-boot-camp-classes/94236-flex-3401-car-detailing-class-hands-real-world-training.html)

Rupes Bigfoot Polishers Detailing Class & Extreme Paint Restoration (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/pictures-saturday-detailing-101/85862-rupes-bigfoot-polishers-detailing-class-extreme-paint-restoration.html)

How to use the Rupes Bigfoot Polisher - Detailing Class (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/sign-up-detailing-bootcamp-class-2-day-class/88653-how-use-rupes-bigfoot-polisher-detailing-class.html)

How to use the Flex 3401 to remove swirls & water spots (https://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/pictures-comments-competition-ready-3-day-detailing-classes-mike-phillips/92325-how-use-flex-3401-remove-swirls-water-spots.html)

Porter Cable 7424 - Meguiar's G110v2 - Griot's DA Detailing Classes (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/pictures-saturday-detailing-101/85869-porter-cable-7424-meguiar-s-g110v2-griot-s-da-detailing-classes.html)

How to use the Cyclo Polisher - Detailing Class at Autogeek (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/pictures-detailing-boot-camp-classes/91784-how-use-cyclo-polisher-detailing-class-autogeek.html)

RUPES Cyclo Detailing Class - Pictures of Cyclo in action! (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/pictures-detailing-boot-camp-classes/95598-rupes-cyclo-detailing-class-pictures-cyclo-action.html)

Cyclo Polisher Buffer Hands-On Detailing Classes at Autogeek (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/pictures-detailing-boot-camp-classes/94036-cyclo-polisher-buffer-hands-detailing-classes-autogeek.html)

Rupes Detailing Classes at Autogeek! (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/ask-expert-featuring-mike-phillips/72071-rupes-detailing-classes-autogeek.html)

Flex 3401 Detailing Classes - Show Car Detailing and Production Detailing (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/pictures-saturday-detailing-101/86037-flex-3401-detailing-classes-show-car-detailing-production-detailing.html)

Here's just a few of the Roadshow Classes

323 Pictures - Autogeek's Hands-On Roadshow Detailing Classes! (https://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/redirect-to/?redirect=http%3A%2F%2Ftinyurl.com%2Fydz8prxk)

Pictures: Autogeek’s Roadshow Class with PRAXIS Detailing in Auburn, Indiana (https://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/autogeek-roadshow-detailing-classes/123912-pictures-autogeek-s-roadshow-class-praxis-detailing-auburn-indiana.html)

Here’s the power of teamwork and BLACKFIRE One Step! (https://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/autogeek-roadshow-detailing-classes/123917-1940-buick-before-after-extreme-extreme-makeover.html)

Pictures - Allentown, Pennsylvania Roadshow Car Detailing Class (https://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/autogeek-roadshow-detailing-classes/124766-pictures-allentown-pennsylvania-roadshow-car-detailing-class.html)

Pictures: Roadshow Class with Detail Pro Shop in Powell, Ohio (https://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/autogeek-roadshow-detailing-classes/124453-pictures-roadshow-class-detail-pro-shop-powell-ohio.html)

10 cars detailed in 2 days! Texas Roadshow Detailing Class! (https://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/autogeek-roadshow-detailing-classes/123396-10-cars-detailed-2-days-texas-roadshow-detailing-class.html)

Pictures & Comments - Atlanta, Georgia Roadshow Class! (https://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/autogeek-roadshow-detailing-classes/121480-pictures-comments-atlanta-georgia-roadshow-class.html)

Pictures & Comments - 2018 New Jersey Roadshow Detailing Class (https://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/autogeek-roadshow-detailing-classes/119790-pictures-comments-2018-new-jersey-roadshow-detailing-class.html)

Pictures: Roadshow Class at Waxstock in England! (https://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/autogeek-roadshow-detailing-classes/103520-pictures-roadshow-class-waxstock-england.html)

Boat Classes
I never seem to get to the pictures for the boat classes, it's so time intensive. I did get over 200 pictures from the 2018 class. You won't find 1/10 the number of pictures in this thread anywhere else on the Internet showing you what you get to do at a boat detailing class.

Pictures: 2018 Boat Detailing Class at Autogeek with Mike Phillips (https://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/redirect-to/?redirect=https%3A%2F%2Ftinyurl.com%2Fyb4vyw7y)

Pictures and comments: Marine 31 Boat Detailing Class - February 6th, 2016 (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/marine-31-boat-detailing-classes/98557-pictures-comments-marine-31-boat-detailing-class-february-6th-2016-a.html)

The one thing all of the above documented classes have in common are...

You see people on their feet, tools in their hands working on cars and boats. No chairs. No sitting. Not time for chairs and sitting as our classes cover so many tools, products and techniques.

That said, I think Todd teaches a great class. It's a good value for your money. I've never been to Todd's class nor have I been to any Renny Doyle classes but I respect these two names in our industry to provide a great hands-on experience.

If you talk to Todd, tell him I day "hi"


Billy Baldone
11-22-2019, 05:55 PM
As someone who took the Denver road show class in August, I say Absolutely worth it. I can go on and on, but have to go. Just do it!!!

11-22-2019, 06:38 PM
I took a class with Mike just over two years ago and recently(August 2019) stopped by a class for a few hours to help out. I absolutely recommend taking one, don’t know about Esoterics classes, I can only assume they will feature specific brands and most of them boutique(see expensive) and not cover the full array of detailing machines and products like Mikes classes.

He will teach you how to use every type of polisher out there, 8mm, long throw, forced rotation, cordless options and usually has some nano and rotary polishers on hand. You get to learn with 1k’s of dollars worth of polishers, pads and detailing products(chemicals, towels etc). That alone was/is worth it to me, I can have a hard time pulling the trigger on a $300+ polisher, getting to use a few of the higher end ones I was able to make a decision.

Also, since you’re looking to do this on the side, Mike will give you a lot of tips and tricks that save time and keep you moving forward, in business time=money!! The class will pay for itself in just a couple details.

11-22-2019, 06:41 PM
Thanks for the insight and all the pictures Mike, it definitely looks like you run a top notch class! Now I just have to decide if I want to travel to FL or OH for a class. I have all the equipment and chemicals now I just need a little bit more knowledge to make me feel comfortable taking on other peoples cars.

Mike Phillips
11-22-2019, 07:37 PM
I cover a lot of tools, here's a quick video of just the tools available for mechanical decontamination.

I'm teaching a class on these tools at Mobile Tech Expo on Thursday, January 30th at 1:00pm. My first class starts at 8:00am and I'm teaching a total of 7 classes that day.

Check out the video though, not perfect but something is better than nothing....



11-22-2019, 07:39 PM
[Warning on taking Mike’s classes!

I have taken 2-Roadshow classes and also his boot camp held in the AG facility, that being a 3-day ordeal.

I am a DIY by nature and had three cars at home plus my adult kids cars when they visit. So I do this purely for satisfaction that I am doing my best to protect and maintain my investments.

If you want to learn the easiest way, just watch videos at home.

Mike’s approach involves you showing up early for the class and expects you are ready to learn and share experiences with your classmates. You will cover all the basics of detailing and then deep dive into methods to be efficient and yes how to build your skills for those doing this for profit.

Now for the next 10-hours you are trying out tools, products, and learning how much paint changes with each car. You leave the day tired and looking forward to doing it again the next day.

Next morning you are excited to arrive early and now asking more questions. You do more cars and try out more products and tools. Somehow I remember sitting down 3-times that second day.

Each class gives you a chance to touch many different vehicles and Mike’s experiences keep you informed on how to minimize mistakes.

If you learn best by listening then skip Mike’s classes as you miss out on the hands-on approach. You could still listen in class, recommended, but jumping in gives lasting satisfaction.

Your choice!


Bill D
11-22-2019, 09:52 PM
I’ve only been to one class/training years ago held by Rod Kraft who was with Meguiar’s at the time. The class was informative and I wish it went on longer or there was more of them. So I would say any class is good to go to if for nothing else, to have fun!

11-22-2019, 10:11 PM
I took Mike's class in January 2103 and it was awesome. I learned so much by doing it--not listening to someone else and then trying to emulate their techniques. I cannot begin to tell you how much the class was 'worth it'. It's not cheap but most things that are this good are not either.

Aaryn NZ
11-22-2019, 10:58 PM
If it were me & my hard earned money - Hands down every time I’d be spending it on a Mike Phillips Class. :buffing:

How’s this for perspective - in January 2015 I traveled all the way (8000+ Miles one way!) from New Zealand to Stuart Florida to attend a Mike Phillips Boot Camp Class. So already just on travel costs alone I have spent more than the cost of the class, then accomodation, food etc, then the class ... bare in mind, I’m self employed & the shop doors are closed whilst I’m not there so there’s a loss of earnings to consider too ...

Worth it??? Yes!

Would I do it again??? In a heartbeat!

Aaryn NZ. :dblthumb2:

11-22-2019, 11:20 PM
I cover a lot of tools, here's a quick video of just the tools available for mechanical decontamination.

I'm teaching a class on these tools at Mobile Tech Expo on Thursday, January 30th at 1:00pm. My first class starts at 8:00am and I'm teaching a total of 7 classes that day.

Check out the video though, not perfect but something is better than nothing....



Mike when’s the 2020 roadshow schedule come out and are you coming to the Pacific NW?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-23-2019, 08:11 AM
I attended one of Mike’s classes (Autogeek) 1.5 years ago. Totally hands on ! Great class to take,learned a ton.