View Full Version : Serious Hologramming and swirls

03-17-2008, 11:31 AM
Okay guys time for the professionals to chime in.

I tried the Mothers 2 step Power Polish/Wax system (gift from my dad). Figured what the hell I've had a lot of good results with their products, and gave it a shot with my rotary and white LC pad. Long story short, I washed the car after it had been out in the snow, salt, etc. When I washed, noticed that there was a ton of swirls and holograms all over the entire hood of my car. Nowhere else seems to be affected. The hood was repainted back in July (not sure if that's relevant or not). When I did the original polish there where no swirls or holograms visible. So I ask, does this stuff have fillers in it to hide the imperfections or what? And then what polish that's easy to work with, do you recommend to remove these with (pictures are not possible at this time, camera is broke)? I was thinking along the lines of System One or maybe some 360? The color of the paint is Nighthawk Black Pearl (Honda).

Thanks guys.

03-17-2008, 12:49 PM
had the same problem with meguiars #83. looked great for about a month then after washing about 3 times it looked hazed. not a lot to be said for these one step products. i'll stick with the tried & true method of two or three steps that work.

Mike T
03-17-2008, 01:11 PM
360 is a great polish, but it does contain some fillers.

03-17-2008, 01:20 PM
had the same problem with meguiars #83. looked great for about a month then after washing about 3 times it looked hazed. not a lot to be said for these one step products. i'll stick with the tried & true method of two or three steps that work.
#83 is not a 1 step product. In fact, Megs says follow up #83 with either #80 or #9 then a sealant or wax.

03-17-2008, 03:13 PM
Systemone works as advertised.

03-17-2008, 05:53 PM
eeehhhh... you can never go wrong with Menzerna. I would use System 1 in place of 106ff, but probably get you some SIP, possibly a yellow lc pad, orange and white. and ur set

03-18-2008, 12:19 AM
I already have the pads. Which is more economical though, the SIP, 106FF or Systemone and their pad? Replying via cell phone and hard to look up the web pages....

Showroom Shine
03-18-2008, 06:42 AM
I think the Menzerna will be the least expensive. The smaller size System 1, I don't think it will be enough to do the whole car. But it is a very good product. You will like both I'm sure.