View Full Version : I Screwed up and how to fix it

10-05-2019, 03:32 PM
My car was coated with CQ UK 3.0 about 7 months ago. It is dark midnight blue metallic. Up until about a month or so ago, I only topped it with Reload & EliXir QD. Never had issues with streaking or smearing. I jumped on the hype wagon for BeadMaker and started topping with that. Last weekend I decided that since I hadn't done a chemical decon yet, I would do one. Used IronX followed by a wash with Reset. Afterwards, I applied a spritz layer of BM and didn't touch or pay much attention to the paint for the entire week since it's my wife's daily driver that is garaged kept in the evenings. The car gets a Reset wash every weekend.

On Friday I noticed that there was quite a bit of dust on the vehicle so I did a quick wash and went over it with EliXir QD and put the baby to bed. Nothing had been put on it since the spritz of BM last weekend. Got up this morning to go shopping with the wife and noticed what appeared to be smearing and streaking on the door panels. I have no idea as to whether it had been like that since the BM last week or since the EliXir on Friday. Nonetheless, It looks horrible!!

Any advice is appreciated for the best course of action to eliminate the smears and streaking at this point?

The Guz
10-05-2019, 03:39 PM
You could give it a wash and see if it is removed. Could be both products not playing well together.

10-05-2019, 03:48 PM
Thanks Guz. Would you suggest just Reset or do I need something stronger to remove it? Baby gets a bath tomorrow.

The Guz
10-05-2019, 04:49 PM
Reset should be good enough. If you want to increase its cleaning power you can add a little more Reset into your wash bucket.

10-05-2019, 07:35 PM
Reset should be good enough. If you want to increase its cleaning power you can add a little more Reset into your wash bucket.

If for some reason Reset doesn't restore it, I have a few ounces of CG Clean Slate in the back of my cabinet. Would that be OK to use without affecting the 3.0?

The Guz
10-05-2019, 08:06 PM
I never used it but I thought it did not do much to remove anything. I believe Loach (aka waxmode) has a video on his channel.

10-05-2019, 08:23 PM
If reset does not remove the streaks, i would recommend using carpro essence plus. Its formulated to work with carpro cquartz ceramic coatings. I had good experiences with it. Its non abrasive.

10-06-2019, 01:28 AM
I would test out with doing a wash with Reset and a little stronger dilution than the recommended on the parts where you have the streaking. It's just a visual mess I think and the CQUK is good under this. Just keep washing it until the streaking is gone and you will be fine as long as you are not putting more of BM or Elixir on it. You can use Carpro TarX on the streaking parts to get the BM and Elixir to wear down faster. Maybe even after the wash with Reset you can spray on TarX and aggitate it lightly with a mf towel and rewash with Reset afterwards.

The Carpro Essence Plus is the way to go with if this mix has messed with the CQUK hydrophobic properties. But I would wait until you see the BM and Elixir and other toppers are worned off. They don't last that long and if you don't apply any more topper products or anything that leaves protection behind. I think that you will be revive it after some washes. So stand out with the streaking looks until it's worn off is the hardest part LOL.

/ Tony

10-06-2019, 07:14 PM
Thanks guys for all your replies.:xyxthumbs: Baby got her bath today and looks sooooo much better. Here are the steps I took to remove the smears. (maybe overkill but they worked)............Being that I had a few ounces of Clean Slate left and nothing else to do with it, I put a couple ounces in the foam cannon and a couple ounces in wash bucket. Foamed the car and let the clean slate dwell until it was just about gone then rinsed. Immediately did a bucket wash with clean slate and rinsed. At that point it appeared that some of the smearing was gone.

I then put an 1 1/2 oz. of Reset in the cannon and 2 oz. in the bucket. Foamed it thorough and let dwell until it was about gone, rinsed and did a bucket wash with Reset. This appeared to have removed the smearing with only one small spot on the passenger door panel. Used a little ironX to remove the remaining spear. Applied a light coat of Reload and have seen no smears or streaks. I'm happy again.

I don't blame it on either the BM or the EliXir, but they apparently don't play well together on my paint. I'm off the BM train for now and will only top the UK 3.0 with Reload & EliXir. BM is a great product on it's own and I have not written it off just not gonna combine it with CarPro products anytime soon.

Thanks again guys for all your help.:dblthumb2: