View Full Version : Advice on leather seat damage

10-05-2019, 04:54 AM
Brand new car. Coworker sat in the seat with back pocket zipper and left this wonderful little mark.

10-05-2019, 05:49 AM
OUCH. Maybe one of the repair outfits that visits dealers and repairs leather.

Sizzle Chest
10-05-2019, 03:26 PM
^^^My thoughts exactly.

That is terrible, sorry to hear and see this.

10-05-2019, 06:30 PM
New seat, send him the bill.

10-05-2019, 09:06 PM
New seat, send him the bill.


Your Ford Dealership’s parts/service
departments will happily order/install
a new OEM seat cover.

Your co-worker, on the other hand, may
not reimburse you with the same level of
happiness. (Let’s hope that’s not the case.)


10-06-2019, 01:11 AM
Sad to see this and that you got it on your new car.

A repair is going to make it look better but maybe not perfect. The new oem seat cover is what's going to get the best results from it. Then it's not so easy to handle this with your co-worker. But if he or she is a stand up guy/gal they stand for the costs. Or at least some parts of it. Get both the costs for doing the repair of the seat and replaced with an oem seat cover. Maybe make a deal that the co-worker stand for the costs up to the repair of the damage and you for the rest to a new seat cover. If it's getting discussions of what the co-worker will be pony up with. Just a suggestion as she/he would pony up for the whole cost.

Hope it's sorting out to the best for you.

/ Tony

10-06-2019, 05:19 AM
Thank you all for your replies. I should have been more clear. This is my sons new car. The I.T. guy wanted to sit in his car to see if he would "fit" as he is tall. My son (30) is like myself and over protective of his things. He said he is trying to work on that so he let the guy sit in his car.

10-06-2019, 06:28 AM
It can be fixed without issue. I have a buddy who owns a Fibrenew Franchise and that's about as easy a fix as you can get for him. No new seat needed. Look up a local franchisee in your area. You'll be fine.

10-06-2019, 08:28 AM
I should have been more clear.
This is my sons new car.

The I.T. guy wanted to sit in his car to
see if he would "fit" as he is tall.


What are you going to advise
your Son to do
about the boo-boo
to his new car’s seat cover?

Settling for a repair is rubbish; a new
OEM seat cover is the only acceptable
solution: indemnity be damned! (IMO.)
