View Full Version : Faux leather seat covers - deterioration spots? How to fix?

09-27-2019, 08:01 AM
My uncle has 2014 Accord. When new, he got faux seat covers as it has cloth seats and being a senior citizen with serious osteoporosis, he didn't want to get into cleaning the seats. He doesn't drive much but the seat covers have started showing signs of deterioration. A couple months ago when I was at his place, I cleaned the covers with mild soap (super diluted car wash soap) and applied 303 aerospace protectant that I had with me. It looked pretty good at that time. Later, he claimed that 303 made the covers a slippery.

He mentioned a couple of days ago that the slippery effect of 303 is not gone and those spots are showing up again. These are the pictures I took the first time. I am assuming, they are just looking like it now. In all honesty, the pictures don't give the best idea but it feels like the faux leather is deteriorating, beginning of cracking, if you will.

https://i.postimg.cc/bvtbD5ry/faux1.png (https://postimages.org/)

https://i.postimg.cc/kgZK5CnY/faux2.png (https://postimages.org/)

How would you suggest me to deal with this? I am not going to spray 303. With his condition, I don't want to be blamed for the slippery seats for his falling (overthinking, but hope you all get it where I am coming from).

Thanks in advance.

(P.S. - I can not delegate this to someone else. I shouldn't have got into this to begin with, lesson learned.)

09-28-2019, 03:10 AM
I would test the Ultima Interior Guard Plus on it. It don't get as slippery as other products can get. But it gets like a satin feel from it. Many likes the feel on leather from it and is a little hard to describe the feel. Like slippery feel to the touch but don't as you glide on the seat while you drive.

The spots can be starting to deteriorating and also be some kind of stain that don't come off. I would just do a cleaning again and apply the UIGP.

09-28-2019, 05:15 AM
Thank you. I will give it a try.

I never have leather seats on my car as they are usually higher trims. I try to stick to the middle trims and they always come with the cloth seats so I have no experience how the leather feels like while driving.