View Full Version : newbie car detailer.

03-14-2008, 11:21 PM
ok well i'm no where near professional at cleaning cars. but i like to know that i do a good enough job. i'm only 18 but i love to keep my 95 monte carlo looking spotless. it's black so it's a bit of a challenge to keep it always looking clean. being that spring is pretty close i'd like a few tips and short cuts to keeping the monte beautiful. i have swirl problems so what are some good products for me to remove those with? on a budget of an 18 year old lol. i know there is expensive stuff out there but i also know they get the job done well. anything relitivly cheap that works? also, wax questions. right now i use black magic. it's ok, but i want something better. i have heard good things about zymol. anybody know anything about it?

anything else that may help i'd greatly appreciate it :D

03-15-2008, 01:49 AM
Get yourself a RA polisher to start. I am a strong advocate of Menzerna b/c it works. I also like Duragloss and it's very reasonably priced. This is an expensive hobby, no doubt about it.

03-15-2008, 07:54 AM

03-15-2008, 08:22 AM
to properly detail your car, it is best to study the steps needed. Then look to products that offer alot of bang for the least buck. Poorboys, Duragloss, and DP are easy on the wallet with lots of good looks.

Zymol IMO is far overrated. You have two lines. One store found is actually a Turtle Wax type product where they have licensed the name. The second , or real line, is the highly regarded Estate Waxes. I head to head blind comparisions you can find alot of similar or better looking products for less. Sure it nice to show your friends your crystal decantor and a 2000.00 invoice with promises of free refills for life, but really is it necessary on most depreciating items (cars, trucks). A nice set of custom wheels costs only a few bucks more and stands out better, and IMO shows some individuality. Heck you can even resell them later and recoup some costs.