View Full Version : Waterspots On Black Car Inevitable?

09-17-2019, 01:08 AM
So the back story is that I got my first black car about 3 months ago. This is the first black car I've owned (also first new car I've ever owned) and honestly the first car I have every really cared this much about.

I had a bad incident of water spots getting stuck to the paint about a month ago. With the help of this forum, I was able to take care of the water spots my self by getting a Griot's Random Orbital and using their BOSS Perfecting Cream (not to mention spending a bunch of money on other stuff!). Anyways, I washed my car yesterday and noticed that a bunch of water spots were all over the hood again and only a month ago I made it clean as new with a mirror finish by polishing it. It hasn't rained so I have to think that its just the morning condensation that caused it. After polishing it out I topped it off with Duragloss 105+601 sealant with a final wipe using Duragloss 921. I also use Duragloss 901 to wash my car .

Is this normal to accumulate water spots this quickly? It's not something that someone would really notice but when I look for them on my hood, I can definitely see them. Does the Duragloss Sealant maybe attract water spots that do not wash off?

Any info is greatly appreciated!

09-17-2019, 05:29 AM
Do you have any sprinklers in the near where you drive or park your car?

Do you wash in the sun or is it very warm in your environment you live in?

Have you tried out the #921 to see if that removes the water spots? Since I ask is that if you look at the SDS you see the #921 has a ph3-4 which is very acidic actually and that useally helps you to desolve water spots. The same is with the Duragloss Aquawax which also is on the acidic ph level. When you get this sorted out you can start to do a final wipe down with the #921 after every wash. That way you will see if you have gotten the water spots while you washed or not. If you still would get water spots there must come from another source somewhere.

You can have what's called acid rains in your environment. And that's shows up like water spot looking on well protected vehical since the great beading you have from it. If no protection it's spread out more uniform but still there.

Sometimes when you have had a problem with water spots and you have successfully polished them of. They can have gotten so deep in the paint so when it's warm and it gets water on it it reactivates or comes up to the surface again. If you are possible to let the car stay out on a sunny day after you have polished it. You then inspect if the water spots comes back. So after the polishing you don't protect right away until it's been baking in the sun. Then you protect your paint if the water spots are gone.

Normal dew or rain would only cause the dirt to form to look like water spots. But it will be easy to wash it off. The thing would be if you have some kind of dirt that has minerals in it or other dirt that your car soap solution won't wash off. And on fresh water spots if you have those a water spot remover is useally enough to take care of them.

/ Tony

09-17-2019, 08:18 PM
Do you have any sprinklers in the near where you drive or park your car?

Do you wash in the sun or is it very warm in your environment you live in?

Have you tried out the #921 to see if that removes the water spots? Since I ask is that if you look at the SDS you see the #921 has a ph3-4 which is very acidic actually and that useally helps you to desolve water spots. The same is with the Duragloss Aquawax which also is on the acidic ph level. When you get this sorted out you can start to do a final wipe down with the #921 after every wash. That way you will see if you have gotten the water spots while you washed or not. If you still would get water spots there must come from another source somewhere.

You can have what's called acid rains in your environment. And that's shows up like water spot looking on well protected vehical since the great beading you have from it. If no protection it's spread out more uniform but still there.

Sometimes when you have had a problem with water spots and you have successfully polished them of. They can have gotten so deep in the paint so when it's warm and it gets water on it it reactivates or comes up to the surface again. If you are possible to let the car stay out on a sunny day after you have polished it. You then inspect if the water spots comes back. So after the polishing you don't protect right away until it's been baking in the sun. Then you protect your paint if the water spots are gone.

Normal dew or rain would only cause the dirt to form to look like water spots. But it will be easy to wash it off. The thing would be if you have some kind of dirt that has minerals in it or other dirt that your car soap solution won't wash off. And on fresh water spots if you have those a water spot remover is useally enough to take care of them.

/ TonyFrom the little experience I have had polishing, I agree with this. Appt of times I'll compound out waterspots and they respawn a week or so later.

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09-18-2019, 01:44 AM
Do you have any sprinklers in the near where you drive or park your car?

Do you wash in the sun or is it very warm in your environment you live in?

Have you tried out the #921 to see if that removes the water spots? Since I ask is that if you look at the SDS you see the #921 has a ph3-4 which is very acidic actually and that useally helps you to desolve water spots. The same is with the Duragloss Aquawax which also is on the acidic ph level. When you get this sorted out you can start to do a final wipe down with the #921 after every wash. That way you will see if you have gotten the water spots while you washed or not. If you still would get water spots there must come from another source somewhere.

You can have what's called acid rains in your environment. And that's shows up like water spot looking on well protected vehical since the great beading you have from it. If no protection it's spread out more uniform but still there.

Sometimes when you have had a problem with water spots and you have successfully polished them of. They can have gotten so deep in the paint so when it's warm and it gets water on it it reactivates or comes up to the surface again. If you are possible to let the car stay out on a sunny day after you have polished it. You then inspect if the water spots comes back. So after the polishing you don't protect right away until it's been baking in the sun. Then you protect your paint if the water spots are gone.

Normal dew or rain would only cause the dirt to form to look like water spots. But it will be easy to wash it off. The thing would be if you have some kind of dirt that has minerals in it or other dirt that your car soap solution won't wash off. And on fresh water spots if you have those a water spot remover is useally enough to take care of them.

/ Tony

Thank you for the detailed post.

No, there are no sprinklers anywhere near where I park or drive. Yes, I have been washing my car when it's hot out. I live in California and it seems like this year has been extremely hot. I don't have anywhere in the shade to wash my car so many times my car is very warm. But when ever I wash, I am sure to keep the car wet until I am ready to dry the car at then end and it still looks very wet when I'm done washing before I go to dry it.

Yes, I use Duragloss 921 pretty much after every wash (there was only 1 time that I didn't - I wanted to see if it really did repel dust). However, this last time I used Aquagloss. Both of these products don't do anything to these water spots. It can't be acid rain since we have not had any rain since the time that I polished it and this last time I washed the car which is when I noticed it.

It really then can only be either that it is the old water spots coming up again or that your last theory about minerals from the dirt (which is something I would have never thought of) is the culprit. If I were to take a guess, I would guess that it is not old water spots coming up. The reason is, this car is only 3 months old and had a 1 month old coat of Duragloss on it when I experienced the other water spots that I had polished off. And, if I remember correctly, I'm pretty sure those water spots that I had polished off were bigger. I got those when I was at a hotel in Los Angeles. I came out of my hotel room and my car was covered in some crazy looking water spots, I had no idea where they came from. Also, this morning when I went out to my car, the hood was covered in morning condensation/dew and the little beads of water looked to be about the same size as the water spots, just a bunch of very tiny little drops, the size of pin heads, covering the hood. My car does get very dusty because I park all day in basically a farming town so maybe that dirt has a lot of minerals in it and when it is combined with the morning condensation it causes these water spots.

So if it is in fact the morning condensation/dew that is causing it, is there anything I can do about it?
Or do I just have to live with them?
Is the Duragloss line that I am using a good line of defense against this problem?
Is there something I should be using instead of Duragloss?

09-18-2019, 02:45 AM
Washing in direct sunlight is probably culprit. Even keeping it wet between the direct sun and hot panels will cause spots. You need to find shade or wait till the evening.

I’d recommend checking out rinseless washes. You can wash and dry a panel at a time and the lubricity in it helps fight water spots. If using duragloss maybe check out wolf gang Uber. It has gloss enhancing polymers. Good stuff. McKee’s 914 or griots brilliant shine rinseless. All good stuff.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

09-18-2019, 04:44 AM
WOW that's sounds crazy to get these water spots that don't gets able to be washed off. And also don't seems to be getting from the washing. It can be from the washing but that's a longshot on the thought if you are getting them that way. If you still would keep the paint wet. You still have a large amount of evaporation going on. Maybe if you have a high solids in the water this could be even more higher and may get sitting on the paint after you dried it in a more uniform layer than it dried in spots. This you can experience with when you have ceramic coating and for some unknown the water behavior gets degraded sooner than it should. And this is that you useally have some mineral deposits build up in the hydrophobic layer of the coating. There are one brand I know of that has made an acidic based car soap that you use monthly or every other month to keep this at a minimum of the coating life. Also a wipe down with something that reduce water spots like most rinseless wash and waterless washes does as they have a natuaral water softerner in them when manufactured. Back to what could have happened on your car would be that the morning dew could activate the minerals to being beading up again and then dry to water spots. It's a longshot as I mentioned.

It can be the dirt and the dew that could cause them. But also I think that you would be able to desolve them with something. Wondering also if it could be some dirt that's the car soap don't get. I personally would be trying different kind of chemicals. To see if any of those are effective to desolve the spots you are haveing is water spots or maybe something else that looks like it.

I have mostly just haveing lime scale as water spots. Which is often easy to remove just by washing or useing a water spot remover I they have been on for a longer time. You could try to top the Duragloss with Sonax Brilliant Shine Detailer and see how that works for you. And you are satisfied with the results you have the longer longevity from Sonax Polymer Net Shield. Which shares the same protection technology as BSD. The drawback is a little less slickness compared to other LSP. But it's the way it trying to mimick the lotus effect from the lotus tree leafes. So you get both a high beading and sheeting from it. And also the self cleaning ability from it is great. Also even if it's a little grabby it's easy to release the dirt you have on it. This is so hard to say if it's going to work for you or not. But at some point it's worth to try something else out and see what happens.