View Full Version : Coming Home to Detailing Supplies

03-13-2008, 06:32 PM

I gotta admit, I am somewhat jealous of you all with your first orders and all these number of new items just waited to try. Well I started to order a couple items ... and yes, I do shop the competition contrary to belief.

1. Meghan and Jason at AG are my lifeblood. Always something new to try and evaluate. They truly are the best of the best of AG ... and sent me a couple of the newest offerings. Optimum here I come , lets just say I want to be impressed...

2. Competitors MF Towels -- you all know that I am addicted to these towels. So much so my wifey called me a work to ball me out for these orders. "We dont need them, you got millions in storage you dont use, and why oh why ?? " came out of the telephone. I told her I had to re-evaluate the competition. (wink, wink)

What I will note is some have told me these bright blue/ red towels were the newest and thickest thing. Not so, infact I have several of these in other colors from other manufacturers in past, or quite similar. (think grey/red trim) The Cobra Ultras and Jrs are just as nice.

As for the Eurows ... very fluffy and cheap in bulk. I originally bought these to use as a general towel and likely a step better or two. I gotta do a little cd testing, but impressive. They remind me of the original Cobra Miracle Towel from 02-03'. The mitt and free sample towel (their general purpose - lght blue) are nothing to write home about however and luckily I got there best offering 1st.

Now all I need is a Flex ROB and Im ready for the summer of '08. Well, as long as wifey lets me back in house tonight after I ask her to wash all these towels.

Hey Jason and Meghan, and new towels on the AG side coming out soon ??? :D (gotta run, here comes the wifey)

03-13-2008, 07:17 PM
very nice!! hey scott just wondering why you dont post more pics of your details of the vett? and suv?washes or details?

03-13-2008, 08:10 PM
I did alot back on the Corvetteforum and when this first started, guess I kinda felt most were bored looking at the same ole pics.

03-13-2008, 08:22 PM
I did alot back on the Corvetteforum and when this first started, guess I kinda felt most were bored looking at the same ole pics.

time for a "new" toy to keep us from being bored:D:righton:

03-13-2008, 08:27 PM
Is that some of the new Megs 105 behind the Optimum? Is that Optimum tire gel next to it? Let us know how you like the OQD and tire gel and other items. I might want to give them a whirl. Thanks Scott.

03-13-2008, 08:41 PM
Is that some of the new Megs 105 behind the Optimum? Is that Optimum tire gel next to it? Let us know how you like the OQD and tire gel and other items. I might want to give them a whirl. Thanks Scott.

very good eye indeed ....

03-13-2008, 10:57 PM
What I will note is some have told me these bright blue/ red towels were the newest and thickest thing. Not so, infact I have several of these in other colors from other manufacturers in past, or quite similar. (think grey/red trim) The Cobra Ultras and Jrs are just as nice.

As for the Eurows ... very fluffy and cheap in bulk. I originally bought these to use as a general towel and likely a step better or two. I gotta do a little cd testing, but impressive. They remind me of the original Cobra Miracle Towel from 02-03'. The mitt and free sample towel (their general purpose - lght blue) are nothing to write home about however and luckily I got there best offering 1st.

agreed on the cobras, i like them better than the see gee's microfibers (as well as a few other brands/companies)...

for the quality and price, the eurows are one of the best bang for the buck deals out there!

03-14-2008, 12:28 AM
I have 2 packs of eurows and they are awesome

Deep Gloss Auto Salon
03-14-2008, 07:27 AM
Since 1st ordering the eurowow shag towels they have found their way into my regular rotation.. the free mitt however imediately found it's way to the garbage... As hard as it is to do, I simply do not have room or the need for inferior products laying around

03-14-2008, 10:54 AM
Hey, those are Chemical Guys towels. I love their color, blue with red edges, always wanted to try those.

03-15-2008, 07:47 AM
Hey, those are Chemical Guys towels. I love their color, blue with red edges, always wanted to try those.

color is different, but same towel as grey/reds , and likely the previous white/reds. I gotta pull a couple out of storage to check.

Ultras Jr's are just as soft and purple is sweet too !