View Full Version : 2016 Kia Sorento SXL Front/Rear Bumper Detail ?

08-26-2019, 08:50 PM
Hey everyone! Been lurking here a while, and have loved learning from the community. Detailing is almost therapeutic for me.

My wife's 2016 Kia Sorento SXL has presented me with a problem. On the front and rear bumper is a metal-ish piece that is a bear to figure out how to clean. I have not wanted to use anything too harsh for fear of screwing something up. So, the only thing I have used so far has been my go to Gold Class soap and a scrub. Even though the picture below is between washes, that's kinda the way it always looks.

I was hoping to hear from anyone that has the vehicle or maybe has detailed the SXL on what I could use to get the metal-ish area back to looking fresh. Thanks for any thoughts and ideas!


Mike Phillips
08-28-2019, 09:15 AM
I was hoping to hear from anyone that has the vehicle or maybe has detailed the SXL on what I could use to get the metal-ish area back to looking fresh. Thanks for any thoughts and ideas!

I would try using a foam pad on any brand of orbital polisher or by hand with any quality one-step cleaner/wax or as some call them, and AIO.

You could also try a light cut polish.

I don't believe that is metal but powder coating?
