View Full Version : SCRATCH X 2.0 AND DA polisher

08-26-2019, 01:07 PM
i have this stuff and haven't used it much other then few interior trim area that did ok on light scratches but didn't really do much. I know it has smat in it and light abrasive. Since i have this and never polished, is it pretty good way to try use it as polish with my da porter cable that has white pad that came with it (i have also 4 chemical guys finishing pad). It couldn't hurt right since it's probally least abrasive and I can see if any swirl marks get removed then go to a more aggressive pad and polish (any recomendation on what polish to get that's like next step from this (which isn't even a polish , not quite sure what it is lol)... Then I'll repeat and go next aggressive so forth until swirls are gone.

i just used this on hard water stains on windows and worked good and thought i should use the whole bottle on something cause it will be waste not to use it even though only 11$.

08-26-2019, 10:31 PM
I've never tried ScratchX with a DA but if were in your shoes I'd have no hesitation to try it. Just try it out on a inconspicuous area like a lower section of the vehicle and see what the results are.

And you mentioned that your not even sure what kind of product ScratchX is... Well it is a polish/compound. Although it's marketed as a product for "isolated" scratches, it's still a polish/compound and I see no reason that you couldn't use it on a complete panel or vehicle.

08-27-2019, 09:22 AM
I'd say go for it but NOT with the pad that came with the DA. Frankly it's somewhat useless.

08-27-2019, 10:13 AM
The below “screen shot” was taken
from this Mike Phillips posting/article:

ScratchX - Consumer Market


Hope this helps.


08-27-2019, 10:40 AM
is it pretty good way to try use it as
polish with my da porter cable...

It couldn't hurt right since it's probally least
abrasive and I can see if any swirl marks get
removed then go to a more aggressive pad
and polish

(any recomendation on what polish
to get that's like next step from this...

The below pictured Meguiar’s SMAT
products is a linear representation
of their aggressiveness order.

The next step-up from ScratchX 2.0, in this
aggressiveness order, is Ultimate Compound.

{You can also see that ScratchX 2.0 isn’t the
least aggressive of Meguiar’s SMAT lineup.}



08-27-2019, 10:46 AM
I'd say go for it but NOT with the pad that came with the DA. Frankly it's somewhat useless.

Well i used the white pad on the my sunroof to remove water stains (water stain wouldnt remove ) and did great job. Why is white pad useless?

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08-27-2019, 01:27 PM
You could save it and use it for hand polishing the recess under door handles. I think that is probably it's most common use. I use UC to hand polish those areas.

08-28-2019, 05:01 PM
The below “screen shot” was taken
from this Mike Phillips posting/article:


Hope this helps.


Yes Bob helps a lot!. Just getting around to the messages as working a lot these days (don't even have much time for car as much but all this new knowledge, i'll make some time lol). I do hear a lot about SMAT from meguiars and just wondering what is in simple terms? is pretty much just some abrasive that works wonders without affecting clear coat (just a guess)

08-28-2019, 05:08 PM
The below pictured Meguiar’s SMAT
products is a linear representation
of their aggressiveness order.

The next step-up from ScratchX 2.0, in this
aggressiveness order, is Ultimate Compound.

{You can also see that ScratchX 2.0 isn’t the
least aggressive of Meguiar’s SMAT lineup.}



Oh whoa, this is great, I always thought that scratch x was in bottom of the aggresiveness and less the swirl x too. .it's actually pretty up there. So from right to left it is least to most aggressive right? So pretty much , scratch x is a polish/compound as someone described it here. Guess Its bad idea to start with this as i thought it was least aggressive.

08-28-2019, 05:44 PM
I do hear a lot about SMAT from meguiars and just wondering what is in simple terms? is pretty much just some abrasive that works wonders without affecting clear coat (just a guess)

Everything you ever wanted to know about SMAT, and more. Courtesy of Mike P.

The SMAT PACK - Everything you ever wanted to know about Meguiar's SMAT products... (https://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/hot-topics-and-frequently-asked-questions/23561-smat-pack-everything-you-ever-wanted-know-about-meguiars-smat-products.html)

08-29-2019, 12:26 AM
Everything you ever wanted to know about SMAT, and more. Courtesy of Mike P.

The SMAT PACK - Everything you ever wanted to know about Meguiar's SMAT products... (https://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/hot-topics-and-frequently-asked-questions/23561-smat-pack-everything-you-ever-wanted-know-about-meguiars-smat-products.html)

Thank you im gonna read that helps to know these products and what purpose they are used for since its bit confusing at times. Nice writeup Mike!

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08-29-2019, 08:20 AM
I used Scratch-X via DA a few years ago on silver Acura paint with LC orange pads (lower panels only, in place of compound). I didn’t want to use up my expensive compound and wasn’t sure how Scratch-X would do... but it did well and I was very surprised how well it finished for almost being compound aggressive. I wouldn’t hesitate using it with DA if you need something fairly aggressive.

09-04-2019, 02:55 PM
I used Scratch-X via DA a few years ago on silver Acura paint with LC orange pads (lower panels only, in place of compound). I didn’t want to use up my expensive compound and wasn’t sure how Scratch-X would do... but it did well and I was very surprised how well it finished for almost being compound aggressive. I wouldn’t hesitate using it with DA if you need something fairly aggressive.

So scratch x if used a lot will take off clear coat right ? Especially with da like porters?

Did it remove swirl marks? Wondering if i go with swirl x which is less aggressive and name seems to fit the bill.

What speed did you use? Im guessing like 3?

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09-05-2019, 01:42 PM
So scratch x if used a lot will take off clear coat right ? Especially with da like porters?

Did it remove swirl marks? Wondering if i go with swirl x which is less aggressive and name seems to fit the bill.

What speed did you use? Im guessing like 3?

Scratch-X has abrasives and definitely removes clearcoat/swirls with a DA. Almost as good as Ultimate Compound I gather, but finished better, probably good enough with orange pads that I didn’t need to finish polish but I did anyways. That would not be the case with UC.

I used more like speed 4-5 as this was meant for moderate correction on lower panels. If you’re not dealing with moderate swirls, but rather only light swirls, try the Swirl-X.... but do so because of forum members’ recommendations or because of where it sits on the aggressiveness chart... don’t choose it for name/marketing.