View Full Version : Tiny tree sap dots? Solution?

07-12-2019, 01:20 AM
So I have this big tree in front of my house which initially is good for privacy. Problem is it produces sap and I hate sap. My Mazda 3 is covered in this poison but my x3 is garaged. And when I bring out of the garage and park farthest I can that is within my property and away from this poison I still get speckles of tree sap. It’s not like my mazda where it’s like gooey and thick but it’s like little freckles and pinpoint dots. And what is driving me crazy is that the tree is really high and somehow it still manages to get tiny dots on my car. Like when I look up it’s probally 50 to 70 feet high and parking farthest away from widest of branch it still gets these specks. I leave the car out there for couple hours and it’s tinybdots.

when I do the two bucket method I can clear this but is there anyway to somehow avoid this? I can’t cut the tree as it’s too high and the tree is giving good privacy too.

And what I worry is that if I wash to prepare for wax or claybar, I won’t be able to do it outside and have to do that I’m garage which is quite small

So my garage is very small so going in and out I only do it 1x a day as it’s a pain.

Should i I get a car cover ? Worried about scratches from taking on and off too much

(plus I want neighbors seeing my x3 lol)

Tree sap is poison I say!