View Full Version : Been away for awhile.......what new?

06-24-2019, 01:54 AM
So I just purchased a new-to-me (2018 Dodge Ram Hemi) vehicle. And like any new car owner, I want to keep it new looking for as long as possible. It’s been 5-6 years since I’ve detailed anything and I know a LOT has changed in the detailing world. I used to use Meguiers ultimate compound M105/205 then wax and seal. What’s the new direction people are trending towards now? I have the Griots DA machine and do know the basics of everything. Just looking for a few (or thousand) suggestions to steer me in a new direction. Thanks everyone. It’s good to be back!

Dan Tran
06-24-2019, 04:28 AM
For starters, M205 is still going strong. Instead of M105...M100/M101 is a strong alternative.

Still can’t go wrong with a Griots DA, especially with a personal vehicle.

Personally, I have been grabbing the RUPES MILLE a lot lately and it has been working well.

But truly I will say that RUPES Wool pads are AMAZING at there purpose.

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06-24-2019, 08:24 AM
Coatings and SiO2 toppers have about killed off wax and sealants, not quite but coming close.

06-24-2019, 09:30 AM
All-In-One polishes are the rage right now. They remove simple scratches, clean up swirls, and leave useful protection behind. The AG hive mind is enamored with Blackfire One Step currently based on some great user stories. I haven't tried that yet but really like McKees 360 for the same purposes.

Mike Phillips
06-24-2019, 11:52 AM
All-In-One polishes

All-in-One waxes or sealants.

Actually, the below are all the same thing as they do 3 things in one step.

AIO - or All-in-One

The only real difference is the type of protection they leave behind, that and whether they work or not as far as the abrasive technology goes. These types of productgs that junk for abrasive technology micro-mar just like compounds and polishes that use junk for abrasive technology.

Technically, a true polish focuses only on abrading the paint, not leaving any protection behind. Once it leaves protection behind it's no longer a "polish" but one of the above.


Mike Phillips
06-24-2019, 11:53 AM
What’s the new direction people are trending towards now?

Just looking for a few (or thousand) suggestions to steer me in a new direction.

Thanks everyone.

It’s good to be back!

Congratulations on the new-to-you truck and welcome back.

Like others mentioned, the car detailing world has been taken over by ceramic, quartz and polymer "coatings" and all things related to this new category of LSP.


Paul A.
06-24-2019, 12:12 PM
The Griot's machine is still regarded as one of if not the best dual action machines. The trend during your absence has been longer throw DA's (Flex, Rupes and even the Griot's BOSS G15/G21 machines). However, in my opinion, the Griot's is the best of the remaining "regular" throws and still works perfectly fine for many.

Another trend especially for the traditional DA's is thinner pads. Thinner and smaller diameter pads means less mass for the shorter throw and counterweight rendering them more effective. My favorite for my PC (when I use it) are the Lake Country Thin Pro pads.

M105 and 205 are still effective and there remain loyal users. I was one but have moved on to others that simply behave better with regard to dusting, finish, wipe off etc. I like Menzerna and Sonax compounds and polishes.

I have been all over the new coatings for my daily drivers. I like the characteristic of durability, especially because I am too tied up doing customers and don't have a lot of time to get to mine. For me, coatings keep it looking better longer and washing is easier. If you don't want to mess with LSP's, you can coat it and carefully wash it for a year or more with a coating.

If it were me, I would probably give it a good wash, decon and M205 session, then coat it.

Now, having said all of that, I have a ton of customers that get my cleaner/sealant package and while it's a money maker for me they sacrifice durability. Yup, they are quick and effective but i'm old school in that I want full correction then very durable protection on my personal vehicles. My favorite has been HD Speed in that customer provided category but will be trying out Blackfire's offering soon. I've tried maybe 5-6 "AIO's" or cleaner wax/sealants to date. Speed works for me with customer's.

06-24-2019, 12:49 PM
All great info! I remember m105 being very dusty and wanted to avoid that. The truck has very, very light scratches on it, however I do have 2 that will need special care to take are of. I will look into these new products and appreciate all the help!

Thank you!