View Full Version : Best bet for restoring damaged smooth black vinyl window pillars.

06-02-2019, 04:06 PM
I ruined my vinyl pillars with wipenew years ago when I was a rookie. It's supposed to wear off after 2 years and its been over that.

I tried sanding it off a while back, I've tried compound and polish on it. I only ever made it worse. I'd like to try it again but I don't know if they are to far gone. I've been thinking about having them replaced also if I can't fix them.

Like I said they are smooth black vinyl tape. Pretty standard and common.

I have all kinds of great trim restore products. C4, Solution finish, Black wow, tuff shine, ect ect. Ive tried them at different times but they don't really work. They don't take because the wipenew thats still on there or any damage ive caused. I've only used very fine sandpaper and compound,polish. All stuff that was recommended so IDK?

Any Ideas?

Klasse Act
06-02-2019, 04:11 PM
Hate to say it but maybe a trip to the dealership is in order[emoji848]

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06-02-2019, 06:01 PM
I ruined my vinyl pillars with
wipenew years ago...

I tried sanding it off...I've tried
compound and polish...I only
ever made it worse.

I've been thinking about
having them replaced

they are smooth black vinyl tape.
Pretty standard and common.

Any Ideas?


I’m thinking that since the ‘Wipe-New
treatment’ occurred years ago; and, that
the vehicle’s “vinyl-tape warranty” cover-
age, if any, may have already expired...

Can’t you just take the screwed-up tape
off the pillars; order some new vinyl tape;
and then replace it yourself?


06-03-2019, 05:22 AM
I'm with Bob. Remove what's there if you can or so long as it's new, simply sand it down smooth and re-apply some vinyl wrap. Buy some good 3M off eBay or Amazon and keep a hairdryer or heat gun with you and give it a shot. It's actually pretty easy to do and worth a shot given you can't make it any worse right?

06-09-2019, 12:08 PM
I thought of that. Bought the pillar removal tools and new vinyl and decided I couldn't do it.

I was reading just a heat gun c a n restore it.

At the very least if I give tuf shine a shot would it be worth it to prep with some type of compound or polish to remove all old wipe new? If so what polish and pads I have tons of that stuff.

Then if I really ruin them I'll get them replaced.

Klasse Act
06-09-2019, 12:11 PM
I remember Wipe New being endorsed by The Count, based off of that I'm surprised the product wasn't so good[emoji57]...hope it all works out though!

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Mike lambert
06-09-2019, 12:33 PM
I use Griot’s finishing Sealant on a black finishing pad