View Full Version : Wolfgang Finishing Glaze

07-13-2006, 11:10 AM
I will be detailing my 2003 Explorer when my next order arrives ( Swirl Remover & Glaze). I have read in other posts that glaze step can be skipped.
Should I use the Wolfgang Finishing Glaze after after the Wolfgang Swirl Remover before the Wolfgang Sealant? Also is there another use for the finishing glaze besides after using a swirl remover ?
Steps I'll use:

1. Wash n dry
2. Clay(Wolfgang Polish& Clay Kit)
3. Swirl removal
4. Finishing glaze
5. Sealant


PS: This forum has really cost me some money, prior to this forum I could pay $30 for a years supply of detailing products. In the past 2 weeks I have ordered $320 of supplies which included a PC mcahine:D .
All kidding aside, the forum and the store have been a super resource thanks for all your info, I detailed my new mini van with Wolfgang products and it looks better then it did on the show room floor

07-13-2006, 11:17 AM
The swirl remover has to have a fair amount of abrasives in order to be able to remove swirls. The flip side is that often times the more agressive polish removes the swirls, but leaves it's own micro marring or hazing. This is where the finishing polish comes in. The finishing polish uses less abrasives and brings back the luster, shine and gloss to the paint surface. This is that J-eweling that Killrwheels talks about. You have a good plan in place there Verplankfan and I think you will be pleased with the products. Another use for a finishing glaze would be if you have very light swirls (cob webbing) you can often remove them with just a light polish. :) Enjoy your new toys.

07-13-2006, 11:17 AM
use the finishing glaze in your equation, it is like a final polish and will amp the surface. Then coat with the sealant and you will be in Wolfgang heaven.

07-13-2006, 11:24 AM
If I just use the glaze as you stated on a car that is not in that bad of shape do I still need to use the prewax cleaner

07-13-2006, 11:37 AM
If I just use the glaze as you stated on a car that is not in that bad of shape do I still need to use the prewax cleaner

nope !

07-13-2006, 11:42 AM
If I just use the glaze as you stated on a car that is not in that bad of shape do I still need to use the prewax cleaner

The pre-wax product is a paint cleaner, the swirl remover and finishing glaze are abrasives. If the paint is swirl free then you can skip the swirls removers all together and just do the pre-wax cleaner to prepare the car's paint finish for the sealant. If you have swirls then you can use the swirl remover and the finishing glaze followed by the sealant. According to the WG site you can proceed directly to the sealant after using the finishing glaze without using the paint cleaner.:) Remember that the sealant must cure for at least 12 hours before you can add an additional coat. After you've added all the coats of sealant that you wish you can then either top it with a wax or just leave it untopped. It's up to you. The important thing is to follow the steps and have fun. :)

07-13-2006, 11:49 AM
Thanks for everyones help

07-13-2006, 11:52 AM
nope !

hahahaha What Killr said! :) Leave it up to a guy to say in one word what a girl takes a paragraph to say! :p

:cheers: Cheers Killr! You're my hero! :p

07-13-2006, 11:55 AM
Yep;) !

07-13-2006, 12:03 PM