View Full Version : Washing and cleaning Compound and Polish Self-Cleaning Caps

Mike Phillips
04-17-2019, 09:38 AM
Washing and cleaning Compound and Polish Self-Cleaning Caps (https://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/ask-mike-phillips-your-detailing-questions-/122880-washing-cleaning-compound-polish-self-cleaning-caps.html)

I have a policy for all my classes and that is, everyone gets their own tool. Or in the case of a compound, polish or any product, everyone has the product in their hand. This means a LOT of products in any of our classes and this means a lot of bottles and a lot of CAPS.

While self-cleaning caps are supposed to keep themselves clean, they do tend to still clog up. What happens is the caps become clogged with product, especially the thicker products like compounds. Then it's a real pain in the butt to squirt some product out.

RUPES Compound & Polish Caps

Before all my classes I clean all the caps so my students have a GREAT EXPERINECE (no matter what they are doing). In the past I have tried using a nylon brush with an air squirter with compressed air and this kind of work but it's messy as you end up spraying compound/polish splatter over yourself. Jason and I actually did this the night before our class shared in this write-up.

Pictures: RUPES Detailing Class with Jason Rose & Mike Phillips (https://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/autogeek-roadshow-detailing-classes/120654-pictures-rupes-detailing-class-jason-rose-mike-phillips.html)

Another time I took all the caps to the nearest sink and using a nylon brush and running hot water scrubbed them all clean. This too worked but was very time consuming.

Yesterday while setting up for the upcoming May class and packing for a private Roadshow class, I have an idea? How about opening the nozzle on the caps and running them through the washing machine?

Worked GREAT!



Ready to re-install on all my RUPES products for the upcoming RUPES Training Class the first weekend in May.



Just went through and removed all the SONAX CutMax and EX O4-O6 Caps and am running them through the washing machine. The SONAX caps don't clog much but while I'm topping off bottles I figure might as well remove all the finger germs off the caps.





This class is almost sold out but contact Andre to find out.

Andre - 1-800-869-3011 x244


04-17-2019, 11:45 AM

Great idea.

Deviant Detail
04-17-2019, 11:49 AM
An ultrasonic cleaner will make short work of cleaning these caps as well.

Mike Phillips
04-17-2019, 12:39 PM
An ultrasonic cleaner will make short work of cleaning these caps as well.

Probably - but will it clean 40 caps at once?


Deviant Detail
04-17-2019, 01:28 PM
Probably - but will it clean 40 caps at once?


Depends on the tank size of the ultrasonic. I should be able to clean forty in mine, but I don't have forty caps to try. (I have a lab grade ultrasonic.)

Also, I can see your solution working best with a top loader washer versus a front loader. A front loader will work if you throw in some towels in with the caps to help buffer the noise of the caps hitting the drum.

Mike Phillips
04-17-2019, 02:06 PM
Depends on the tank size of the ultrasonic. I should be able to clean forty in mine, but I don't have forty caps to try. (I have a lab grade ultrasonic.)

I had know idea they came that large? Out of my area of expertise.

Also, I can see your solution working best with a top loader washer versus a front loader. A front loader will work if you throw in some towels in with the caps to help buffer the noise of the caps hitting the drum.

I may be the exception the masses but I prefer a top loader washing machine over a front loading modern version of the old reliable. When I was still at Meguiar's, after the detailing classes became very popular, they expanded the classroom, (the original room was tiny, I have pictures), and updated the washer and dryer with front loading units. Never cared for them. Never thought they got our microfiber towels as clean as the old school top-loader version.

Just what I experienced.


Mike Phillips
09-04-2019, 03:40 PM
Unpacking from the Colorado class, time to wash caps...








No one sees any of the behind-the-scenes work that goes into any of our classes, but there's a LOT Of it!

But when you attend any of our classes you have a great experience. You don't struggle with little things like getting compound out of a bottle.

The little things are the big things -Mike Phillips
