View Full Version : Polishing, coating, and dealing with slightly faded stripes

04-16-2019, 05:29 PM
I booked a coating job for next week on a 392 challenger with the shaker hood and shaker stripes. The car overall is in pretty decent shape but the stripes are showing some signs of sun fading. They aren’t splotchy or bad really, just a bit grey and really really flat. If I was one stepping this car I would go right over the stripes with the buffer. I have done this on several cars with black fire aio and it really brought the stripes back.

My question is, has anyone buffed over stripes with menzerna 2500 or similar and what was the outcome. If I can’t buff over the stripes I will have to scrub them with some matte paint cleaner which as also worked in the past, and I will have to spend a LOT of time taping. The stripes are about an inch apart and they vary in size. There is too much paint showing between the stripes to not polish that area before coating without them sticking out like a sore thumb.

Any ideas or suggestions are welcome.

04-16-2019, 10:28 PM

04-17-2019, 10:17 AM
That new Gyeon product PPF Renew might be the right product. When I have polished them in the past I used a non-oily finish polish like 3D Polish+ and a white or black pad. I have also had good luck using Carpro Essence primer on vinyl stripes but they were in decent shape to start with.