View Full Version : Rotors Rusting, 500miles on a brand new BBK!

03-22-2019, 10:35 PM
I recently made a decent order with AutoGeek and used CarPro Iron-X on my wheels, Gyeon Bathe+, Gyeon Prep, etc. and applied Gyeon rim. I may have gotten a little bit of Iron-X on my rotors but that's it. I have NO idea why my new rotors are rusting like this! ITS SO UGLY and driving me nuts. Would the cryo-treated option have been better?

Im about to get a wire brush and see what I can do but I wanted to know what the proper angle is to attack this. Thank you!



03-23-2019, 07:06 AM
Im about to get a wire brush
and see what I can do...
I would never wire brush ‘em!
Try this product instead:
Hyde's Serum Rust Stopper, rustopper, anti-rust solution for wheels (https://www.autogeek.net/hydes-serum-rust-stopper.html)


Setec Astronomy
03-23-2019, 07:24 AM
I've never had cross-drilled rotors but...if you drive your car...rotors rust. I mean, the only part that doesn't rust eventually is where the pads are riding and cutting away the rust. There's humidty, rain, washing the wheels, that's water, and water rusts cast iron. Sure, the hats are painted, but that doesn't last forever.