View Full Version : Zombie bird poop attack

02-24-2019, 12:58 PM
1st post. As my detailing knowledge and ability are exceedingly rudimentary, I apologize ahead of time. After an old BMW of mine was bombed with a gazillion crows who had just feasted on berries bird poop has been a particular annoyance of mine. Recently, my car was hit while at work. When I discovered it at home the next day, I wiped it off with a quick detailer but I could still feel a difference in the paint so I had some Griot's polish/wax combo that I used that seemed to do the trick.

I ride the bike to work for a week and then look at the car and voila, looks like I got bombed again with the car parked in the garage. I wash all the gritty crap off and use a clay bar because the area feels thick and tacky. Once it's all pretty and smooth, I spray on some duragloss spray wax. All looks great. Feels perfect, looks perfect to my admittedly untrained eye. I thought I was super clever with using the clay bar...

You know where this is headed. I recheck in a couple of weeks, and it's back!! I don't understand as I can feel a layer of crust where the poop was. Pretty sure I wasn't bombed again. Wouldn't it still be smooth if the paint were etched? Is the spray wax reacting to something? Am I totally hosed? How does this crap keep coming back?

I'll attach a photo. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I really want to fix this. It looks pretty bad to me and I am mystified. Forgive me as I look up each abbreviation and acronym you guys use on this forum.


02-24-2019, 02:32 PM
Birds in the garage or leaks in the garage roof?
Is it in the same exact spot?

Cleaning Bird Poop: The Scientific Breakdown (https://www.drbeasleys.com/blog/2014/05/28/cleaning-bird-poop/)

02-24-2019, 08:24 PM
I realized that by the 3rd time it was in the exact same spots. So no new bombs, just a recurrence. I don't understand how there is so much texture that comes up again after the wash/clay/wax. The surface felt really good when I finished.

02-24-2019, 08:37 PM
I would be trippin.
The doo acid must have leached into the clear coat.
Maybe try a baking soda/water paste to neutralize it.

Setec Astronomy
02-25-2019, 08:57 AM
You said in the garage...parking deck? That looks like mineral deposits...when rainwater runs through the concrete structure it picks up minerals which can then be deposited on your vehicle. You need a product to dissolve them:

CarPro Spotless Water Spot Remover (https://www.autogeek.net/carpro-spotless-water-spot-remover.html)

Optimum MDR Mineral Deposit Remover, water spot remover for paint, water spot remover glass (https://www.autogeek.net/optimum-mdr-water-spot-remover.html)

Duragloss Water Spot Remover (WSR) #505 (https://www.autogeek.net/duragloss-water-spot-remover.html)