View Full Version : need suggestion on wheel cleaning combo

02-23-2019, 09:56 AM
like the title state's, what can I mix with my foam soap(honeydew) ? I'll be using a 1.5 IK foam sprayer, which is on it's way. I want to use this just for my wheels without digging out the pressure washer. can I mix iron-x with a foaming soap ? or is their already a product that will contain the two ingredients ? I'm looking to spray tire, rim & wheel well. then I want to be able to wait, scrub & rinse. not sure what the proper dilution should be. I'm hoping to fill the 1.5 IK sprayer & have enough product for 2 vehicles. any suggestion would be appreciated. thanks

02-23-2019, 10:13 AM
Iron X snow soap maybe.

02-23-2019, 10:40 AM
Iron X snow soap maybe.

thanks spazzz ,didn't know they had something like this. that being said & looking at the reviews, not everyone is happy with the product. most of the iron removers seem to be diluted. so if I try & mix it with my foaming soap it may get to watered down. can iron removers be bought undiluted ? I'll throw this out there while I go & look, thanks.