View Full Version : Looking for a product for a touch less wash

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02-11-2019, 05:48 PM
It's winter here and I try to rinse my car once a week at a coin wash. Just rinse it. I do not use their soap as I am afraid it will strip my current sealant and not be super great for the car.

I started incorporating Optimum no rinse wash and wax as a pre-soak/touchless wash. It helps to clean a bit and add some protection. I'm using about 0.5 oz per 500ml water (1oz to 16.9oz water). I use a pump sprayer to apply my product at the coinwash.

Now I'm wondering if there is a better product for this purpose in the detailing world. I know some pepole user super clean very diluted but IDK about using a degreaser on my paint...

What would anyone recommend?

02-11-2019, 06:01 PM
Use your normal car wash in your sprayer. Just dilute it down so it sprays.

02-11-2019, 09:36 PM
Griots Foaming Surface Wash.

I’ve used it with their BOSS Foam Cannon, and it really works well to drop the grit off your car with no physical agitation. It’s LSP friendly, so it won’t break down your sealant, but that also means it’s not aggressive enough to cut through the road grime (unless your LSP is really working to keep it from bonding).

From my experience with it, I also don’t think it leaves anything behind to interfere with the properties of your LSP.

It’s designed to be used as a foam, so I’d recommend using it with a foam cannon or a pump up foamer if you’re gonna use it at the car wash.

02-12-2019, 01:05 AM
^^this^^ best foaming soap I’ve personally use. Get a IK 9 foamer and mix some up in this and foam, let dwell, best it’s gonna get without wiping.

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02-12-2019, 01:52 AM
If you don't want to foam on. And the GG Surface Wash seems to be an awesome prewash so if you get a foaming system I would go with this. If you want to be useing a degreaser of some kind that helps to desolve the grime and contaminants before rinsing. The 3D Super Citrus APC I find very interesting to test out. It is on the high ph level of ph12. But with any chemicals and even car soap is to not let it dry before you rinse it off. This is also very economical I think too since it's high concentration. In a 32oz bottle for regualar strength which would be where I would start testing it. You put in 0,7oz citrus APC and the rest regualar water in a 32oz bottle. Start at the bottom when you apply it and move your way around the car and up. Let it dwell for 2-3 minutes before thoroughly rinse it off. And when rinsing it off do the same and start from the bottom and work your way up. Then since you don't going to be doing a touchless wash you do the final rinse from the top and down. A pump sprayer bottle is an easy way to be applying it. Apply the degreaser on a dry car so this is the first that you do and then rinse and done. The Flex cordless dryer would be awesome to dry the car with afterwards.

3D Super Citrus APC (https://www.autogeek.net/3d-super-citrus-apc.html)

/ Tony

02-13-2019, 07:41 AM
Griots Foaming Surface Wash.

I’ve used it with their BOSS Foam Cannon, and it really works well to drop the grit off your car with no physical agitation. It’s LSP friendly, so it won’t break down your sealant, but that also means it’s not aggressive enough to cut through the road grime (unless your LSP is really working to keep it from bonding).

From my experience with it, I also don’t think it leaves anything behind to interfere with the properties of your LSP.

It’s designed to be used as a foam, so I’d recommend using it with a foam cannon or a pump up foamer if you’re gonna use it at the car wash.

Yeah that product interested me originally... what is the dilution ratio? Can't find any info on it.

Not sure tho if I should be looking at something with wax in it. I applied Sonax polymer netshield around November before winter starts and it already seems to be kind of gone. I'm a bit dissapointed I thought it usually lasted 4 to 6 months. That's why everytime I put the ONR wash and wax it's nice to see when rinsing the water have little beading and all that.

Klasse Act
02-13-2019, 08:16 AM
OP, are you talking about spraying something on the car, dwell, rinse and not dry it here?

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02-13-2019, 09:10 AM
OP, are you talking about spraying something on the car, dwell, rinse and not dry it here?

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

Yeah exactly. I'm not looking at getting a super clean car.

Just something to remove the calcium and slush off once a week.

02-13-2019, 09:29 AM
Yeah that product interested me originally... what is the dilution ratio? Can't find any info on it.

Not sure tho if I should be looking at something with wax in it. I applied Sonax polymer netshield around November before winter starts and it already seems to be kind of gone. I'm a bit dissapointed I thought it usually lasted 4 to 6 months. That's why everytime I put the ONR wash and wax it's nice to see when rinsing the water have little beading and all that.

Dilution ratio for the Surface Wash is 1:120 for a pump up foamer per their Q&A section on their website.

I wonder if using the ONR W&W is causing contaminants to bond to the paint easier, masking the benefits of your Sonax?

Run us through your steps for winter washing please. Trying to gauge what would work best. If at any point you're rubbing on your paint, that might change what I'd recommend. I can't picture spraying ONR W&W on and just blasting it off without cleaning/drying the car?

02-13-2019, 09:38 AM
Dilution ratio for the Surface Wash is 1:120 for a pump up foamer per their Q&A section on their website.

I wonder if using the ONR W&W is causing contaminants to bond to the paint easier, masking the benefits of your Sonax?

Run us through your steps for winter washing please. Trying to gauge what would work best. If at any point you're rubbing on your paint, that might change what I'd recommend. I can't picture spraying ONR W&W on and just blasting it off without cleaning/drying the car?

Oh yeah you would think ONR WW causes stuff to bond? Wouldn't it's wax repeal ?

Okay here is what I'm doing right now. Go into the coin wash bay spray some onr ww dilluted 1oz to 16.9oz all on the car. 1 time per 2 weeks I use a undisclosed wheel cleaner to help with brake dust. Then I just rinse the whole car down. I then drive off. Since it's winter most of the time the remaining water on the car just freezes away or it's gets blown away since I go on the highway.

02-13-2019, 11:07 AM
I briefly used ONR and ONR WW; I thought the blue ONR seemed to have the car pick up/retain road film more than when I wasn't using it. I like the added wax with the WW for the UV protection aspect, but from my reading/experience I don't think wax is a strong barrier to prevent chemicals/film from bonding.

I wish someone would chime in with how the Griot's Surface Prep (not wash) performs - I thought I read one person was able to do touchless in the winter using the Surface Prep --> Surface Wash --> Poly Gloss, but I'd like to hear more reports. By their description it's strong enough to remove LSP's, but if you follow it with the foaming Poly Gloss you'll be protected.

I've been a big fan of the Foaming Poly Gloss. Don't know that I'd want to apply it over road film though if the Surface Wash didn't get it all off (and you didn't want to do any hand washing).

02-13-2019, 11:10 AM
I briefly used ONR and ONR WW; I thought the blue ONR seemed to have the car pick up/retain road film more than when I wasn't using it. I like the added wax with the WW for the UV protection aspect, but from my reading/experience I don't think wax is a strong barrier to prevent chemicals/film from bonding.

I wish someone would chime in with how the Griot's Surface Prep (not wash) performs - I thought I read one person was able to do touchless in the winter using the Surface Prep --> Surface Wash --> Poly Gloss, but I'd like to hear more reports. By their description it's strong enough to remove LSP's, but if you follow it with the foaming Poly Gloss you'll be protected.

I've been a big fan of the Foaming Poly Gloss. Don't know that I'd want to apply it over road film though if the Surface Wash didn't get it all off (and you didn't want to do any hand washing).

Hmmm poly gloss seems nice to.

What's the worst that can happen applying some protectant over dirty pannel tho?

But I really like that they focus 2 products to sell for touchless like that. Only thing is I'm not that interested in buying a new pump sprayer or foam it gets expensive real quick. And I suppose both foaming product wouldn't work well with a regular pump presuured sprayer?

02-13-2019, 11:12 AM
Plus I gotta say I really really really like the fact that you can easily do touch less washes even for this summer with both those Griot products ! Tbh I am tired of filling buckets and all that.

I have a pressure washer at home with a foam canon so when summer arrives I think I might pick up those products for sure :) !

02-13-2019, 11:23 AM
3D Super Pre Soak is great! Spray down vehicle, let dwell for a couple of minutes. Then foam with something like Griots foam wash. Power rinse it all off and it should be fairly clean without touching it.

john b
02-13-2019, 11:29 AM
will the 3d pre soak strip any lsp if diluted properly?