View Full Version : Can someone explain “wash induced marring”?

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01-11-2019, 10:23 AM
I heard someone mention this term, but they couldn’t seem to provide a definition to what it means... If it’s not swirls, then what exactly is wash induced marring? TIA.

01-11-2019, 11:07 AM
I just did a google search.
Worst case scenario on real soft paint, this would be marring from using an aggressive clay towel.

Google images.



IMO if someone causes anything that looks like a minor version of the 2nd pic, then they don’t know how to wash a vehicle.

Cause a minor version of the 1st pic after a wash and it’s the beginning of swirls on soft paint.

Either ways, if you’re marring the paint from washing & drying the vehicle it’s more than likely human error i.e. Bad technique, bad wash media, poor drying towels.

Bill D
01-11-2019, 11:52 AM
The soap of choice might not be slippery enough. That’s why I use a foam gun. It shoots a constant coat of protective, slippery soap to act as a barrier to protect against marring. Combined with a safe enough mitt, it whisks away the dirt. Granted you use a lot of soap and water this way. This is the down side of this process I’m willing to live with.

Setec Astronomy
01-11-2019, 11:52 AM
Either ways, if you’re marring the paint from washing & drying the vehicle it’s more than likely human error i.e. Bad technique, bad wash media, poor drying towels.

Um, yeah--but we certainly have new members who are guilty of all of the above, and even those of us who are experienced/knowledgeable will develop some "wash-induced marring" over time, no matter how careful we are...or sooner if we get old and lazy...not that I would know anything about that. It's also a bit more challenging for us here in the rust belt with the salt and grit on the roads during the winter, and less opportunity to wash means the vehicles are more dirty when they do get washed.

Boy, I sound like I'm making excuses, which I guess I am...

01-11-2019, 12:15 PM
It's just another term for swirls, just specifically caused during the washing process.

He Hate Me
01-11-2019, 12:17 PM
What I get from "wash induced marring" is one of the following;

There isn't enough product to produce lubricity for the mitt/sponge.

The mitt/sponge has contaminants (not sure how many people wash their mitts/sponges but personally feel it's a good idea).

And last but not least, possibly too much pressure on the mitt/sponge and/or drying towel.

Bill D
01-11-2019, 12:22 PM
I use multiple mitts to reduce the chance of marring further.

01-11-2019, 12:22 PM
What I get from "wash induced marring" is one of the following;

There isn't enough product to produce lubricity for the mitt/sponge.

The mitt/sponge has contaminants (not sure how many people wash their mitts/sponges but personally feel it's a good idea).

And last but not least, possibly too much pressure on the mitt/sponge and/or drying towel.

Those are all the causes, but they still result in swirls.

Dirty towel induced marring
Dirty pad induced marring
Dirty hand induced marring

It doesn't matter what induced the marring, marring is still another word for swirls. Light marring, heavy marring, etc, it's still swirls.

He Hate Me
01-11-2019, 12:24 PM
Those are all the causes, but they still result in swirls.

Dirty towel induced marring
Dirty pad induced marring
Dirty hand induced marring

It doesn't matter what induced the marring, marring is still another word for swirls. Light marring, heavy marring, etc, it's still swirls.

But if we remove all those variables, we should be left with ideally, a "marred free wash"?

Setec Astronomy
01-11-2019, 12:27 PM
I use multiple mitts to reduce the chance of marring further.

Most people don't know Bill is the originator of the "multiple media"/no rinse-bucket method. Someone else later applied it to rinseless and got an acronym named after himself, but to me, that method will always be the "Bill D Method" (BDM).

Bill D
01-11-2019, 12:28 PM
There are a few ways and techniques to wash a car marring free. The involved foam gun way works for me but it’s not the only way. Researching will show which options are out there to get swirl free results.

LOL. Thanks Setec!

01-11-2019, 12:29 PM
But if we remove all those variables, we should be left with ideally, a "marred free wash"?

Ideally, but the OP was asking what wash induced marring is/means, not how it happens.

Setec Astronomy
01-11-2019, 12:41 PM
There are a few ways and techniques to wash a car marring free. The involved foam gun way works for me but it’s not the only way. Researching will show which options are out there to get swirl free results.

LOL. Thanks Setec!

Seriously, Bill, you were the first guy to promote the idea of not rinsing out your wash media after it got dirty, having a lot of them and just switching to a clean one, and laundering after. People have argued with me that because you did it with a conventional wash, you are not the father of the (rinseless) method, but to me, it's not whether it's conventional or rinseless, it's the idea of not reusing the media that was the breakthrough concept, and you were the guy.

Bill D
01-11-2019, 12:47 PM
I likened it to playing golf or tennis. Sure you can play with one ball but several is a lot better. I figured one day to do the same with wash mitts LOL. Worked for me and I’ve been doing so ever since.

Setec Astronomy
01-11-2019, 12:57 PM
I likened it to playing golf or tennis. Sure you can play with one ball but several is a lot better. I figured one day to do the same with wash mitts LOL. Worked for me and I’ve been doing so ever since.

Here you are in 2005: sheep skin mitt idea (https://www.autopia.org/forums/car-detailing-product-discussion/92078-sheep-skin-mitt-idea.html?highlight=sheep+skin+mitt+idea)

And here you are (post #6) saying you used the multiple-mitt method with rinseless, back when the only rinseless wash was QEW, making you the father of the BDM: Qew Disaster! (https://www.autopia.org/forums/car-detailing-product-discussion/97002-qew-disaster.html?highlight=QEW+Disaster)

People will argue that the other method uses towels instead of wool mitts...but I argue it's the concept of the multiple media that is the game-changer.