View Full Version : Help - Looking for a product for my specefic needs

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12-10-2018, 07:34 PM

I am really not sure what I need. Here is the situation. It is winter and I started doing weekly/bi-weekly rinses at a manual car wash (my water is frozen at home outside in winter) to remove the dirty grime and salt but water itself doesn't seem to do much. So I kind of would like to do a kind of DIY touchless wash at the manual car wash.

I bought a generic hand pump sprayer (something like this for example (https://i.imgur.com/F66BALd.png)) and tried to put in like 2-3 oz of soap in the bottle to kind of do like a foam canon but what comes out is just slippery water so I am not sure.

I bought some ONR wash and wax but I've just been told it won't do anything on it's own.

So I'm looking at recommendation. What should I use that will keep my Sonax polymer netshield (sealant) intact. Manny thanks, I am totally clueless on this one

12-10-2018, 08:07 PM
The soap in the pump might be your best bet followed by just the rinse setting.
That way you aren't using the rip your face off car wash soap.

This time of year a drive through touchless with undercarriage might be the way to go.
Your paint will survive until you can do it right, that's what the PNS is for.
Are you on Bimmerfest?or was it E90post

12-10-2018, 08:29 PM
The soap in the pump might be your best bet followed by just the rinse setting.
That way you aren't using the rip your face off car wash soap.

This time of year a drive through touchless with undercarriage might be the way to go.
Your paint will survive until you can do it right, that's what the PNS is for.
Are you on Bimmerfest?or was it E90post

I think I have time to cancel my ONR wash wax order. Should I?

I've asked on other threads and everyone tells me to really avoid the touch less ones just because no idea what is or in the soap. Which I do tend to agree.

Yeah I'm on e90 psot and bimmerfest but I'm more regularly on e90post!

Mike lambert
12-10-2018, 09:06 PM
I’d try the Griot’s pump up foamer and the foaming surface wash.

12-10-2018, 09:13 PM
I never really liked the ONRW&W it is to smeary. It looks alright after some buffing and rubbing.
I would rather just use the regular ONR which I do now.

Well true on the touchless washes. I think the last time I did one was over 8 years ago, maybe more.

When I hit the ublast it places I use all the time on rinse and spray everything including underneath.

Have you tried your idea at a wash bay yet? I use a 1 gallon pump sprayer with D114 & ONR for a rinseless wash pretreatment
I am surprised how much it rinses down.

Your way would get some actual soap suds once the high pressure hits it.
I would think a bleach/garden sprayer would pump up more pressure than one of those small sprayers and might serve the soap purpose better.

e90post makes for some interesting reading.

I think Mike has the best idea.

12-11-2018, 06:18 PM
Ok thanks for the replies.

I didn't have time to cancel my ONR and W I guess I'll still give both a go soap and ONW W.

12-11-2018, 06:51 PM
A magic blend.
If I had my choice of touchless car wash soap on the car for a minute or 2 or salt,sand and brine for longer, I am pretty sure I would pick touchless wash.
Oh yeah, and the air dry.

12-11-2018, 06:54 PM
I had to think for a minute that somewhere I had some photo's to go along with a write-up I once did for winter cleaning. I can't find the write-up, but did find the photo's.

My Avetar states I live in AZ, but prior to that I lived in New Hampshire.

Like you, my hose lines were all disconnected to prevent splitting and breaking. The water was completely frozen. I'd wait for a day that was just a tick over freezing because trying to work in freezing conditions is nearly impossible. You'll see the solutions just freeze on the vehicle. Second word of caution is to make sure you wear layers. It's quite easy to get hypothermia.

First thing I did was find a touchless wash. A coin op will work too, but I preferred sitting in the warm car with my heated seats while the laser wash did the work. The ones in my former area were really good... Of course they don't get everything but got a bulk of the gunk and muck off. As you can see here this is about how the car looked after the touchless:

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6NmFlN2VjOTE2MWZjMjc1Nm ZiZjQ2ZGZjMjU0YjVlNjQ=?uid=50e80648-6df8-4c90-b7f8-35e536d7b6f2

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6MjZjYTA0NDc0MWE3MWM3Yz EwZjdmYmQyNTRkNDE5NzY=?uid=a267243b-8efc-49e5-ac04-6ec3bb612305

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6MTdlYTEwZmMzNWJlN2ZjZW ZjYzBiZjA2OTMxY2NlYWU=?uid=4a2b2870-eaa9-428d-82b4-babc549344ba

Back at the house, I fill two buckets (both with grit guards) from the bath tub. (Hey, you rung with what you brung..) One bucket with just luke-warm water and the second with the same but add three oz's or so of Megs D114 waterless wash. Megs D114 is now defunct, but the new replacement is McKee's 37 M914. (https://www.autogeek.net/mckees-rinseless-wash-128.html?productid=mckees-rinseless-wash-128&channelid=FROOG&utm_source=CSEs&utm_medium=GoogleProductSearch&utm_campaign=CSE&utm_campaign=1504990722&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=287205172222&utm_term=&gclid=Cj0KCQiA3b3gBRDAARIsAL6D-N8Y1PHL8vn8W0f_ju-tTXArELxH3-4Q8LylAVFLCbkuTaB3oT6dji4aAqCbEALw_wcBhttp://)

I also used these AG waterless wash mitts (https://www.autogeek.net/rinseless-wash-mitt.html?productid=rinseless-wash-mitt&channelid=FROOG&utm_source=CSEs&utm_medium=GoogleProductSearch&utm_campaign=CSE&utm_campaign=1504990722&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=287205172222&utm_term=&gclid=Cj0KCQiA3b3gBRDAARIsAL6D-N_ZpXZQUZjHf6zZg44D-OXBCgSIj9xeFhC9gPyhdZr9yLBLnVQRbDwaAqPNEALw_wcB). They're great!

This is one case where I didn't do wheels first... I would wash the car from the top down, using the two bucket method. Wash method not too much different than a typical two bucket method. Rinse the wash mitt in the clear bucket before returning it to the bucket with your soap. Then when done, using a black Chenille mitt in the soapy water to clean the wheels, dressing the tires lastly. If it was a good deal above freezing, I'd hit the vehicle with a QD.

The proof is in the pudding!

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6N2U3MzY2N2ZhNzJkYjcyMT U1ZDY5YTE2NzNhZTIwNjA=?uid=654c9918-1a67-4fec-93f9-1d05f69cb053

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6ZjRiMDExYTE2NmJiNmE4ZG YzYTMwZmQ5Y2I0ZDkwYjg=?uid=df736aab-d52e-469b-a2f2-119e03476da5

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6OGJiZTgwYzk2NTg3YmEyN2 E3YmUwYjEyMGM1YzU3YTc=?uid=62a862a0-00c0-46ff-8ec3-210096443189

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6NGQwOTMzMDI2YjM0MDUzMT A2YzNlMjg4MGZkZjVmNjk=?uid=e8d8969a-833a-4734-86d1-d1a001fc1082

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6MTQ5YmYyMDUxMzE3NjY5Nj M3ODhhZGJiZGRiNWVmYWM=?uid=1b23d2f0-e60f-437a-b9a1-ef54429d650b

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6YjIyOGU5MmE2Y2Q3ZmVkMj VhZjMyYjk4YWQ0NDc2YTE=?uid=79755060-1435-4c82-bf7b-4f4022bfe885

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6MTcxOTY5NjE5NTM3OTkxYj UwN2IzMzIzOGY2Zjc3MjE=?uid=ad754d87-612a-4e82-867a-74a9cb8bfc57

Hope this helps!

12-11-2018, 07:16 PM
I had to think for a minute that somewhere I had some photo's to go along with a write-up I once did for winter cleaning. I can't find the write-up, but did find the photo's.

My Avetar states I live in AZ, but prior to that I lived in New Hampshire.

Like you, my hose lines were all disconnected to prevent splitting and breaking. The water was completely frozen. I'd wait for a day that was just a tick over freezing because trying to work in freezing conditions is nearly impossible. You'll see the solutions just freeze on the vehicle. Second word of caution is to make sure you wear layers. It's quite easy to get hypothermia.

First thing I did was find a touchless wash. A coin op will work too, but I preferred sitting in the warm car with my heated seats while the laser wash did the work. The ones in my former area were really good... Of course they don't get everything but got a bulk of the gunk and muck off. As you can see here this is about how the car looked after the touchless:

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6NmFlN2VjOTE2MWZjMjc1Nm ZiZjQ2ZGZjMjU0YjVlNjQ=?uid=50e80648-6df8-4c90-b7f8-35e536d7b6f2

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6MjZjYTA0NDc0MWE3MWM3Yz EwZjdmYmQyNTRkNDE5NzY=?uid=a267243b-8efc-49e5-ac04-6ec3bb612305

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6MTdlYTEwZmMzNWJlN2ZjZW ZjYzBiZjA2OTMxY2NlYWU=?uid=4a2b2870-eaa9-428d-82b4-babc549344ba

Back at the house, I fill two buckets (both with grit guards) from the bath tub. (Hey, you rung with what you brung..) One bucket with just luke-warm water and the second with the same but add three oz's or so of Megs D114 waterless wash. Megs D114 is now defunct, but the new replacement is McKee's 37 M914. (https://www.autogeek.net/mckees-rinseless-wash-128.html?productid=mckees-rinseless-wash-128&channelid=FROOG&utm_source=CSEs&utm_medium=GoogleProductSearch&utm_campaign=CSE&utm_campaign=1504990722&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=287205172222&utm_term=&gclid=Cj0KCQiA3b3gBRDAARIsAL6D-N8Y1PHL8vn8W0f_ju-tTXArELxH3-4Q8LylAVFLCbkuTaB3oT6dji4aAqCbEALw_wcBhttp://)

I also used these AG waterless wash mitts (https://www.autogeek.net/rinseless-wash-mitt.html?productid=rinseless-wash-mitt&channelid=FROOG&utm_source=CSEs&utm_medium=GoogleProductSearch&utm_campaign=CSE&utm_campaign=1504990722&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=287205172222&utm_term=&gclid=Cj0KCQiA3b3gBRDAARIsAL6D-N_ZpXZQUZjHf6zZg44D-OXBCgSIj9xeFhC9gPyhdZr9yLBLnVQRbDwaAqPNEALw_wcB). They're great!

This is one case where I didn't do wheels first... I would wash the car from the top down, using the two bucket method. Wash method not too much different than a typical two bucket method. Rinse the wash mitt in the clear bucket before returning it to the bucket with your soap. Then when done, using a black Chenille mitt in the soapy water to clean the wheels, dressing the tires lastly. If it was a good deal above freezing, I'd hit the vehicle with a QD.

The proof is in the pudding!

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6N2U3MzY2N2ZhNzJkYjcyMT U1ZDY5YTE2NzNhZTIwNjA=?uid=654c9918-1a67-4fec-93f9-1d05f69cb053

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6ZjRiMDExYTE2NmJiNmE4ZG YzYTMwZmQ5Y2I0ZDkwYjg=?uid=df736aab-d52e-469b-a2f2-119e03476da5

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6OGJiZTgwYzk2NTg3YmEyN2 E3YmUwYjEyMGM1YzU3YTc=?uid=62a862a0-00c0-46ff-8ec3-210096443189

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6NGQwOTMzMDI2YjM0MDUzMT A2YzNlMjg4MGZkZjVmNjk=?uid=e8d8969a-833a-4734-86d1-d1a001fc1082

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6MTQ5YmYyMDUxMzE3NjY5Nj M3ODhhZGJiZGRiNWVmYWM=?uid=1b23d2f0-e60f-437a-b9a1-ef54429d650b

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6YjIyOGU5MmE2Y2Q3ZmVkMj VhZjMyYjk4YWQ0NDc2YTE=?uid=79755060-1435-4c82-bf7b-4f4022bfe885

https://cache.nebula.phx3.secureserver.net/obj/NDMyMDBENDRBMDdEQzFGODRDQUY6MTcxOTY5NjE5NTM3OTkxYj UwN2IzMzIzOGY2Zjc3MjE=?uid=ad754d87-612a-4e82-867a-74a9cb8bfc57

Hope this helps!


But here in winter it's always -15c. Never goes above -5c . So bucket washing is impossible (simply due to hands freezing + more issues )

12-11-2018, 07:41 PM

But here in winter it's always -15c. Never goes above -5c . So bucket washing is impossible (simply due to hands freezing + more issues )

I wash outside all winter as long as the temperature is over 25 degrees. Waterless and rinseless washes will still work below freezing as long as you keep the car surface facing the sun. For your hands, I would recommend ice fishing gloves from Glacier Glove. You can find them at Bass Pro Shops or Dick's Sporting Goods. They will keep your hands warm and dry.

12-11-2018, 07:52 PM
To add for the hands, Larry from AmmoNYC puts on running gloves then your nitrile gloves on top so your hands stay dry.

Sent from my Mi A1 using Tapatalk

12-11-2018, 07:52 PM
I wash outside all winter as long as the temperature is over 25 degrees. Waterless and rinseless washes will still work below freezing as long as you keep the car surface facing the sun. For your hands, I would recommend ice fishing gloves from Glacier Glove. You can find them at Bass Pro Shops or Dick's Sporting Goods. They will keep your hands warm and dry.

You are definitely hardcore, UD........... :props:

12-11-2018, 08:22 PM

But here in winter it's always -15c. Never goes above -5c . So bucket washing is impossible (simply due to hands freezing + more issues )

To add for the hands, Larry from AmmoNYC puts on running gloves then your nitrile gloves on top so your hands stay dry.

Sent from my Mi A1 using Tapatalk

I took the easy way out.... I moved to Arizona... Where we had a very chilly 65 degrees today... brrrrrrrr!!!!!

12-11-2018, 10:04 PM
I live in NW and gets cold. I would buy foaming sprayer (griots from A/G or Autopia, if bigger needed look for Ik 9 elsewhere. At carwash power wash, then foam car with foaming soap of choice (recently got some BF foam booster to try get foamier (new word).Let dwell few minutes rinse off. Use current sprayer with RW of choice at WW delution. I let dwell then rinse of again. This works ok but I would still recommend going over with RW while their. If you have touch less drive through and are OK with using. Pre soak with foaming sprayer before you run through use only basic wash. As for WW/RW recommendation (used Ech20, McKee’s 914 and Ammo Frothe recently and Onr Wolfgang before) I would use Uber as I feel it’s slickest and would add to your sealant. From what I’ve read and not experienced yet is Ech20 for Sio2, 914 for just cleaning nothing left behind (good for sio2 coats), frothe cuz you love foam (suppose to work good with heavy grime but can’t get myself to try and wipe it off). The polymers in Wolfgang Uber suppose to play nice with sealants.

Happy cleanings

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

Justin at Final Inspection
12-12-2018, 05:34 AM
Check out the Ammo Frothe setup with the pump foamer. Imo it's the safest and easiest waterless setup and I have tried a bunch. I use it for maintenance washes frequently.

Also for removing that winter road salt etc grab some whips Wax salt remover. Safe on all exterior surfaces and won't strip waxes or harm coatings. Plus it works awesome to remove salt stains from carpet etc.

For keeping my hands warm I put a pair of the little black stretchy cotton gloves on followed by a pair of nitrile gloves. Works decently.