View Full Version : Audi blue pearl effect paint ??

11-26-2018, 08:46 PM
Is audi paint strong . Is there anything I should be concerned about. I see on here some manufactures have soft paint etc.

11-27-2018, 07:46 AM
Is audi paint strong .
Is there anything I should be
concerned about.

I see on here some manufactures
have soft paint etc.
Audi Soft Paint - Making Generalizations about Hardness and Softness (https://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/auto-detailing-101-a/31888-audi-soft-paint-making-generalizations-about-hardness-softness.html)

As Mike points out in the above thread:
”Don't fall into the trap of
making generalizations.”


Performing an obligatory ”Test Spot”
will act as a guide to a particular
vehicle’s paint hardness level.


Mike Phillips
11-27-2018, 09:23 AM
Audi Soft Paint - Making Generalizations about Hardness and Softness (https://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/auto-detailing-101-a/31888-audi-soft-paint-making-generalizations-about-hardness-softness.html)

Thank you for locating and sharing my article on SOFT Audi paint.

As Mike points out in the above thread:

”Don't fall into the trap of making generalizations.”

I agree (with me). Ever since there's been the Internet one person will say one thing and then like lemmings, a huge group of experts will regurgitate what the first person says until it's perceived as fact.

Performing an obligatory ”Test Spot” will act as a guide to a particular vehicle’s paint hardness level.



No one - and I mean NO ONE - knows if the paint on a car they have never buffed on before, is hard or soft UNTIL they do a Test Spot.

And if a person is NEW to machine buffing, then they will still not fully know if the paint is hard or soft because in order for any person to gauge if a paint is hard or soft they have to have EXPERIENCE. You have to have buffed out some number of cars that are in a range of hard, medium and soft, using tools, pads and products you are familiar with and then after doing a Test Spot - lock into your brain how the paint reacted to the products, tools, pads and techniques used.

I can buff any car panel with defects using a quality polish, foam "polishing" pad and orbital polisher and tell after buffing 6 section passes to one section about 18" squarish if the paint is hard, soft or somewhere in-between. But I've been doing this for years.

Gauging paint hardness requires experience plus a Test Spot or two...

Sorry there's no easy answer and there will never be a chart that documents which cars have hard paint and which cars have soft paint, it simply doesn't work that way and that's because paints are always evolving and car manufacturers can change paint systems overnight.

I actually document this on the MeguiarsOnline.com forum in January of 2008 based upon real-world experience and of course I also document with pictures that after 10 years are still present.

Paint Workability - The Hardness or Softness of your car's paint (http://meguiarsonline.com/forums/showthread.php?t=21064)

The pertinent part starts after you see this heading...

Hard or Non-Workable paint
