View Full Version : Wax after Nanoskin

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10-18-2018, 10:24 AM
If I use Nanoskin Fine mitt with a foam gun to eliminate marring and remove surface contaminants, do I have to apply a wax or sealant afterwards? I am not clear if Nanoskin removes protection or just contaminants.

10-18-2018, 10:55 AM
I would never clay (or nanaoskin) anything that I did not plan on waxing afterwards. And just for your information, clay or nanoskin will not eliminate marring. Surface contaminants yes, marring no. A polishing step is required to remove marring.

10-18-2018, 11:04 AM
I meant by using the foam gun to create a lot of lubrication which should eliminate marring....poor punctuation

10-18-2018, 01:44 PM
I meant by using the foam gun to create a lot of lubrication which should eliminate marring....poor punctuation

On light colors, maybe (hard to see), on dark colors no way. I believe if you use Shock as a lube, its also gives some protection. I could be wrong.

10-18-2018, 11:04 PM
On light colors, maybe (hard to see), on dark colors no way. I believe if you use Shock as a lube, its also gives some protection. I could be wrong.

I don’t understand why alot of people say this... As if there’s light or white colored vehicles out there with clay marring that most people just can’t see because they simply lack a good eye? I say no way.. I also say no way to not being able to clay black vehicles and not cause any marring whatsoever because I do it all the time.

Check out these pics. And this isn’t even a fine grade towel, it’s the mid grade between fine/medium. These pics include a time stamp and show there was absolutely no negative effect on the paint such as marring after I was done.





After. Zero clay marring.


I clayed my trunk the other day... Light color paint, all these contaminants, once again zero marring.


Clay marring only happens if your technique is truly bad [i.e. not enough lube, the wrong kind of lube, a heavy hand, super soft paint, etc] but under normL circumstances there should never be any clay marring no matter what color the vehicle is. I fail to see why black paint is any bigger deal than any other color. I detail black vehicles all the time and I don’t treat them any different than the rest.

As far as using foam from the foam gun as claylube? I dunno, I’ve never tried it like that but I don’t think it’d be as good as using a pure waxless rinseless wash solution such as Megs D114 or McKee’s N-914 as claylube. IMO there’s no better option.

10-18-2018, 11:32 PM
Show me a black Toyota daily driver that has contaminants that you've clayed with no marring.

10-18-2018, 11:35 PM
Or Mazada, Nissan, Subaru, or how about a black Porsche.

10-19-2018, 01:23 AM
Or Mazada, Nissan, Subaru, or how about a black Porsche.

I clayed this dark navy blue Nissan Altima with a Med. Grade Nanoskin mitt and there wasn’t any marring.




I’ve clayed a black Porsche Panamera without marring it, I just don’t have any pictures of that job.
I’ve never detailed a Mazda or a Suburu, and I’ve never seen a black Toyota.

10-19-2018, 07:36 AM
Both that MB and Nissan look like they have very smooth paint and virtually no OP. The level of OP and the level of contaminates seems to be the biggest determining factor regarding marring if you keep the other things like lube and claybar/mitt/towel/sponge consistent. Heavy OP causes more of that rash marring look seen on the peaks. Heavy contaminates will give you tiny scratches especially using a clay substitute.

10-19-2018, 11:38 AM
This brings up a question, vis-a-vis clay lube.

Assume I just finished washing using foam gun and some form of sponge and then rinsed my paint. Is hitting it with the foam gun a good clay lube? The only reason I ask is because it is setup already and convenient to hit the paint a second time and then hit it with clay when it is all foamed up.

10-19-2018, 01:49 PM
Well I gave it a try and no issues. Washed truck, used foam gun with nanoskin fine grade mitt with a bucket of soapy water. No marring. Light pressure, i let the mitt do the work. I would guess 95%+ of the contaminates were removed. After that I finished with WGDGS. It took me 5 hours.
The paint was not in that bad of shape. Back in March I did the 3 step process (wash, nanoskin, WG TSR, WG FG, WG DGS). The about 7 weeks ago I buffed with BF One Step. So I knew I didn't have swirls to worry about. I just wanted to get the sealant on the truck with hunting season around the corner. I will try to post pics.

10-19-2018, 02:23 PM



10-19-2018, 05:09 PM
Nice truck! Looks great. :xyxthumbs:

10-20-2018, 01:23 AM
@OP. Good job.

@DBailey. The paint on that Nissan Altima was extremely contaminated. Just look at the severity of the swirls, and then imagine the level of contaminants... Yea. Lol.



10-20-2018, 06:20 PM
Hey look[emoji102]


I got clay marring on a black car today.


