View Full Version : check out this damage done during a paint correction - repaint needed?

08-17-2018, 01:38 PM
My car got paint corrected when it was in the body shop. It looks like they got something in the rotary and gouged and chipped the hell out of my paint. Does this need a repaint? They put some touch up on it, but it's obviously rough and uneven and needs work.

Detail damage - Google Photos (https://photos.app.goo.gl/MSe2eY7wb36KEMqo8)

08-17-2018, 01:44 PM
Looks like damage from banging a tool around chipping the edges. I can't see the scratches

08-17-2018, 01:54 PM
Did you check the link? There are a bunch of scratches. It's not from banging a tool, it's from a piece of gravel or something in the rotary when they were doing a paint correction, so it's beyond scratched, it's gouged and chipped. They admitted how it happened. They were working on a completely different area of the car so no reason to be banging tools near here.

08-17-2018, 02:06 PM
A bodyshop did this? I'd be beside myself I'd be so mad...

08-17-2018, 02:17 PM
Yeah, it was a body shop, the best one in the area that works on new exotics and old porsches. I'm guessing they gave this one to a new guy. I'm mad too but they took photos before and the damage clearly wasn't there, so they are obligated to repair it, I'm just annoyed in having to repaint more panels on the car, it never matches perfectly and this is a PITA.

08-17-2018, 03:25 PM
They must have painted over and filled alot more damage than you see. The side edges of is it the trunk or hood is a very bad paint job. It's almost look like they used a pad smaller than the backing plate. You see where they had polish on a horisontell panel and the side of the next vertical panel has an even scratch along the flat panel. And it could be that on some of the other defects they have masked up badly with paint and filled before. That would be my bet they used either a very used pad so the distance to the backing plate was non and the pad could be so thin on the outside when edgeing alot with it. Or they used a pad smaller than the backing plate. The employee that did that number on your car must have just give a s### about it and powered through it. It would be very interesting to see how it looked like before they polished it or you could say grinded it. I think it's damage from the backing plate that scratched up your paint.

If they have damaging so much so they had to fill up the damage before painted it. I would ask them so you can see it when they do it to measure it with a paint thickness gauge. And those panels needs to be repainted to the whole panel. If there is too many panels they need to be repaint. I would ask for a total repaint for they screwed up so much in the first place. And if they are a well known bodyshop that do great work. They would be eager to do it right for you.

Do you have any pictures of the cars paint before you leaved it to the bodyshop? And try to get the pictures the bodyshop has on it before they worked on it or destroyed it. That touch up work is not acceptable IMO.


Sizzle Chest
08-17-2018, 08:38 PM
^^^+1, just atrocious. Get them to re-spray the whole vehicle. Crazy!

08-18-2018, 08:30 AM
Any shop can make mistakes,it's how they handle it when you bring it back that matters.
If they are willing to correct it don't be so hard on them,everyone has bad days,even really good repair shops.

08-18-2018, 11:14 AM
Looks like they lifted chunks of filler out of the panel. Possibly air bubbles in the filler before the panel was painted? Either way, super sloppy, wouldn’t make me confident about any of their work. I’d sue them and have a competent shop fix the damage.

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08-18-2018, 02:24 PM
Depending on the tear of the vehicle they should be able to get the paint to match even if they have to do a little blending. it definitely needs to be repaired and resprayed. If they're apologetic about it and offer to repair it I wouldn't be too hard on them.

08-18-2018, 04:36 PM
Look past the comments telling you to sue them. You can't sue somebody if they accept responsibility and make things right. If you don't want them to do the work and they offer to fix it, you still can't sue them because you need to give them a chance to correct their mistakes. So, basically, you can't sue them.

Everybody has a bad day. Let them try to fix it. If it's not to your satisfaction, then you can seek alternate remedies which may include suing them.

08-30-2018, 09:48 PM
Thank you to everyone who posted here. I took it back and the shop repaired the damage. They also extended the clear coat spray out much farther and I believe fixed another couple areas where the original guy burned off clear coat. I'm going to get a paint meter and check the entire car, however it looks good now. I'll post back once I get readings on the paint meter.

08-31-2018, 01:51 AM
Great that they fixed it for you.