View Full Version : getting started in a new city?

02-13-2008, 03:29 PM
i hope im putting this in the right forum, just a quick few questions im new to florida im form michigan im staying in the ft.luderdale/sunrise area i brought my mobile detail van with me, i changed the number on my van and everything made up new price lists with contact info, but im finding it difficult to generate customers but and its a big but (no pun intended) i see there are a few mobile detailers in the area im staying in but i feel this area is so big in size that it shouldnt be that hard to blend in with the others, so what im askin is what should i do to advertise better without having to spend a arm and leg and a few fingers? should i post up in parking lots? go to office buildings? ride the city all day ( my van is so noticeable its a billboard on wheels) try the dealerships? anybody with any kind of help would be good. like i said im from michigan and the city im from has few to no mobile detailers so it was not hard for me to get my name out there and generate business its just that its to cold to do anything like that in michigan without a building so thats why im here and im visiting family at the same time so i got a place to stay and all (actually i might relocate if i feel i can do more detailing here that michigan). or am i expecting to mush as i only been here in florida 10 days? am i rushing it? thanks for reading!!!!:cheers:

02-13-2008, 09:21 PM
Florida is an extremely hard market as alot of competition exists and thus pricing is lower than other areas. Also note since cars are outside and in sun almost all year, it can be more lucrative in the long run with repeat business.

I would highly suggest advertising and visiting some larger corporate buildings. Offer the first free wash/wax to anyone bringing you five or more clients from same work place that you can work on at one time and location. Security guards KNOW all the people and most want a weekly visit.

Park your van at the mall and grocery store when not in use. The power of Free Advertising should never be missed. And please keep it clean, dressed, and show off your work. I would never use a detailer with a dirty ride !!!

02-13-2008, 09:50 PM
I would never use a detailer with a dirty ride !!!

actually you can kinda look at it as a good thing, because hes too busy keeping his client's and your cars clean rather than his... i guess its a good problem to have :righton:

02-14-2008, 12:09 PM
actually you can kinda look at it as a good thing, because hes too busy keeping his client's and your cars clean rather than his... i guess its a good problem to have :righton:

Good for the detailer to have business, but bad for image as well as generating potential customers. I'm with Kllrwheels, keep your advertising sparkling! I certainly wouldnt want a detailer with a filthy rig doing any business for me. I want to look at their workstation and say, "I want mine to be that glossy".

ferrari detailer
02-14-2008, 01:30 PM
if you want business call me i live in miami . there is more business here in miami than you can believe. call me 305-967-1111

02-14-2008, 08:09 PM
Good for the detailer to have business, but bad for image as well as generating potential customers. I'm with Kllrwheels, keep your advertising sparkling! I certainly wouldnt want a detailer with a filthy rig doing any business for me. I want to look at their workstation and say, "I want mine to be that glossy".

haha i agree 100% but im just trying to make light of things :D

Gary Sword
02-14-2008, 09:25 PM
Good luck with you new business.