View Full Version : Cleaning towels

07-22-2018, 02:39 PM
I need to clean my microfiber, weave, and terry towels. Can they all be washed together?
What detergent product do you recommend for washing towels?

07-22-2018, 03:17 PM

Separate the Micro Fiber Towels to a dedicated wash. As for detergent I use standard detergent like Tide or equivalent. No Bleach and no fabric softener when drying.

dennis hiip
07-22-2018, 03:50 PM
keep mf separate. 3D for mf wash.

07-23-2018, 02:54 AM
Don’t wash cotton terry towels with microfiber. You’ll wind up getting lint in the microfiber and good luck ever getting it all out.

07-23-2018, 10:31 AM
i've done it, but you shouldn't. recommend a dye free/scent free detergent like tide free and clear. I wash on hot, dry on low. i bought some wolfgang 2 for 20 last week but haven't used it yet. i have a problem spending money on this site :(

Paul A.
07-23-2018, 11:35 AM
I've been using Tide Free and Clear for my MF towes for years now. Never a problem.

Also, I'll add in to seperate MF and NON MF to seperate loads.

Red Lehr
07-23-2018, 01:43 PM
Always wash your dirtier MF towels separate from your good MF polishing towels. A lot of people accumulate misc. mf towels some good ones , some not so good and eventually you might start using mf towels on tires and wheels, I buff a lot of aluminum and I use mf to final polish my aluminum/stainless trim and that gets really dirty. Sometimes my waffle weave drying towels get a little mud or oil on them so they get washed wit the secondary mf wash load. Some folks from time to time will put a 1/2 a cup or so of white vinegar in the towels to help soften them up.
You can also check this out...
Microfiber Care Guide, Clean Cobra Microfiber Towels, Applicators & Tools with Pinnacle Micro Rejuvenator Microfiber Detergent. Clean & dry microfiber (https://www.autogeek.net/mi101.html)