View Full Version : Detailing Webpage SEO: Has anyone here ever benefited from HIGH organic ranking?

Dan Tran
07-17-2018, 09:52 PM

Not to confuse this with Local SEO; but for those who rank at the top of page one results on Google, is there truth to “the need” of being e at the top?

I know this is a silly question, but I find that being WELL ranked in the LOCAL PACK has helped me above and beyond.

However, I have been wondering should I be putting more emphasis on ORGANIC SEO?

I wonder this because many find me in the LOCAL PACK, call me and most have NEVER SEEN my website. People are VERY trusting of my Google reviews.


Should I double dip and try to rank organically higher? Or should I just focus on what’s been working for me?

07-18-2018, 05:55 AM
Great thread Dan. Interested to see what others chime in with. I have never gone or paid with ad words etc for a higher Organic Rating. I am on the first page locally for a search. The #1 for searches in my area is a large detail shop that has two locations. I am sure they are pumping $$$$$ into Ad Words etc.

07-18-2018, 09:57 AM
For the first 5 years of my business I did not advertise. All my calls came from my website being shown from google searches. So I would say it is important.

Advertising works better. This year I have been doing almost constant Facebook ads and business have increased about 3 fold. So I think you need both, but advertizing remains the best way to get clients. Also, I am thinking that placing ads must also help with your backlinks and very likelly increases the natural ranking you get in searches.