View Full Version : Klasse Sealant Glaze - the results

Don M
07-07-2018, 07:31 PM
Well, I decided to go ahead and use the KSG on the Camaro and use the PC to apply it.

I started with using a severely watered-down mix of D115 to dampen a foam polishing pad after a few panels, there was enough KSG in the pad that reapplying the D115 to the pad wasn't necessary.

Well, the wife decided she wanted to get fresh corn on the cob, so I hurried up a bit and ended up applying it a bit heavily. I let it set up for about 3 hours before attempting to buff it off.

Seeing as how many people have said that they use a wet/damp cloth to remove the haze and a dry cloth to buff the remainder, I used a mf cloth, WET with the diluted D115, but not dripping wet followed by a clean, dry microfiber to buff the damp residue.

Granted, applying the KSG so thick created extra work, but it was only one extra step, instead of just buffing off the residue, I had to wet wipe the residue, THEN dry buff the remains. As it turns out, it was worth it, the car looks great (except for the hood- IN DIRECT SUNLIGHT, which is a repaint and is VERY soft and scratches easily), and it's slick as heck.

Anyway, words are one thing, and it didn't happen if there aren't pics, so ...






07-07-2018, 07:34 PM
Nice work, Don! :xyxthumbs:

07-08-2018, 08:04 AM
Very glossy. Good stuff! Thanks for sharing.

P.S. - I want a Camaro some day.

07-08-2018, 09:35 AM
Don, nice job!! I have almost run out of my Klasse AIO and have a ton of KSG laying around. Just wondering how you prepped the Camaro before the KSG. Polish of any sort or was it in good shape and a wash sufficed?

On a side note. Growing up in NE Ohio myself, I am jealous of the corn on the cob your wife made you go get. Florida corn sucks.

Don M
07-08-2018, 09:49 AM
Thanks! No prep, just a wash with 3 capfuls of Meguiar's Hyper Wash in 5 gallons of water. If I would have had a good, non-oily polish like POORBOY'S SSR1, I would have gone over the car with that first for the micro marring on the body and the not-so-micro-marring on the hood (extremely SOFT paint).

The paint is in excellent condition (especially when you consider the car is 5 years old with 80,000 miles). 90% of the people who see my car FREAK at how old it is & the mileage - they think it's a lot newer than it is.

As for your side note - the wife didn't have to twist my arm all that much to take a break from the car to go get the corn, she mentioned it and that made ME want to get some too. This time of year the ears are smaller (but still with the yellow/white kernels) and were awesome! I made a total pig of myself and had 10 all on my own :props:

Don, nice job!! I have almost run out of my Klasse AIO and have a ton of KSG laying around. Just wondering how you prepped the Camaro before the KSG. Polish of any sort or was it in good shape and a wash sufficed?

On a side note. Growing up in NE Ohio myself, I am jealous of the corn on the cob your wife made you go get. Florida corn sucks.

Sizzle Chest
07-08-2018, 10:45 AM
Came out super slick, deep and shiny looking! Nice car!

Don M
07-08-2018, 01:34 PM
OH YEAH, I forgot that I used the same wet cloth to wipe down my windows (in & out) that I wet-wiped the KSG residue with and then dry-buffed the glass.

They came out perfect. Even with the rising sun directly shining in through the windows, there were no streaks or smears ... makes me wonder if I hit on a new glass-cleaning method. A lot of D115 (lite), some KSG residue followed by a dry-buff. I had used a generic, short nap microfiber for the wet wipe and a brand new but washed Meguiar's Supreme Shine microfiber (the ones they give you with a can of Ultimate Fast Finish) for the dry buff ....

... I might just leave the KSG/D115 microfiber be and just re-wet it the next time I do my windows.

07-08-2018, 04:34 PM
Looks great. Thanks for sharing.