View Full Version : Efficiency tips for busy dads? #fathersday

06-17-2018, 10:24 PM
On this fathers day, I was able to finally wash/clay/seal my car for the first time this spring. With two young kids, these opportunities are few and far between. I'm interested in any tips you all might have to maximize efficiency when these rare times pop up? A few of my own:
1. Mix DG601+105 on the pad. One layer. Lasts a long time too!
2. Nanoskin washmit to "clay"
3. Get the kid(s) to help, but also offer distractions and/or snacks
4. Two words - nap time
5. Don't get too stressed when the kids screw up - e.g. drop the wash sponge on the ground

I have a DA polisher that I've yet to actually try because I haven't had time to figure it out, but I imagine this will speed things like sealant application up. As long as it doesn't tempt me into a full blown correction...

Any other products that make things go faster? WOWA or spray sealants? Durable enough?

Love to hear any ideas!

06-17-2018, 10:30 PM
To speed up the sealant process, it doesn’t get any faster than Meguiar’s Ultimate Fast Finish. Granted it’s not the longest lasting but it’s still solid enough on its own.

06-18-2018, 04:00 PM
I’ve found that 3 and 5 tend to not mix well lol

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06-19-2018, 03:47 PM
I’ve found that 3 and 5 tend to not mix well lol

I have to keep muttering to myself that perfection is no longer the goal. Gotta let the OCD go or the kids can't help! And if they can't help, then there's really no time to do it!

I'm looking into the Meguiar's Ultimate Fast Finish that Maxreed mentioned. Sounds interesting and definitely faster. Sonax Polymer Netshield sounds similar, but maybe more durable?

06-19-2018, 11:36 PM
I have to keep muttering to myself that perfection is no longer the goal. Gotta let the OCD go or the kids can't help! And if they can't help, then there's really no time to do it!

I'm looking into the Meguiar's Ultimate Fast Finish that Maxreed mentioned. Sounds interesting and definitely faster. Sonax Polymer Netshield sounds similar, but maybe more durable?

I just used it on one of my customers vehicles (2015 Tahoe), I applied UFF to the paint/wheels and it took me about a half hour. That’s how fast and easy it is to get some solid protection.

Mike Phillips
06-20-2018, 05:13 AM
I have a DA polisher that I've yet to actually try because I haven't had time to figure it out, but I imagine this will speed things like sealant application up.

Machine always trumps human - except for intricate stuff like louvers, tight areas.

As long as it doesn't tempt me into a full blown correction...

Correction work is easy and "yes" machine applying waxes and sealants is faster than working by hand and you actually do a better job than when working by hand.

If your car has light swirls and scratches you can apply a wax that will remove the swirls and scratches in the same step. Get some Pinnacle Jewelling Wax, you'll love the correction, gloss and shine and easy wipe-off.

Also, watch this video, it will show you how to use the polisher... assuming it's some form or version of the Porter Cable 7424 the original 8mm free spinning random orbital polisher that most of the world copied (and made better)

NOTE: This video will NOT show up if you're using the broken Microsoft Internet Explorer, Bill Gates and company have been passed up by the rest of the world.



Mike Phillips
06-20-2018, 05:14 AM
I'm interested in any tips you all might have to maximize efficiency when these rare times pop up?

Leave the phone in the house.

When I watch other guys detail I point out that when they are on the phone... they are not getting anything done...


06-20-2018, 10:10 AM
father of 3 boys under 5. They do a great job helping with washing, but it stops there.

My advice, and this is hard. Do the best you can with the time you have. An all in one, or even polish and seal is so much better than 95% of cars on the road get. Another tip is to maybe wash, clay and tape the night before. Makes the chore seem more reasonable to the misses if you split it up.

and yes the da is night and day. use it!

06-20-2018, 10:21 AM
Use CarPro Reload after claying. Works amazing easy spray, work in and wipe off. Sometimes gets streaky so you can over again with a light spray detailer to make flawless finish. Reload lasts for up 6 months. Try not to inhale its pretty potent stuff. Very water repellant, has silica ceramic. I can't be bothered having my kids around when im detailing but that's just me.

Sent from my SM-G920W8 using Tapatalk

06-20-2018, 12:39 PM
Dad of a 2 and 4 year old. I usually negotiate with the wife to get a good chunk of time to myself. "I'll do stuff with the kids today/run errands while you go do the thing you like to do and next Sunday I'd like a day to work on the car." (Fine print: pending Sunday is nice and it won't rain within 5 days, else that free day can be redeemed at the next opportune moment as deemed by me and approved by all parties.)

Else, break things up when I can't get large chunks of time to myself. If doing a full correction, usually spring, I will wash, clay and tape on a Friday night. Early Saturday morning before anyone is up (4-5am), I'm in the garage with the DA. Do as much as I can before everyone wakes up and then get back to it during nap (1-3pm). After everyone is in bed that night I finish correcting and the sealant/wax goes on Saturday night/Sunday morning, giving it the day to cure. Winter prep is the same, although I skip correction since it usually isn't needed until after winter.

I only really hand wax the garage queen anymore, the two daily drivers are sealants (Blackfire Wet Diamond/Blackfire Crystal Seal). Maintenance wash and then wax as I dry with Blackfire Midnight Sun Spray wax to keep the sealant going and give the extra pop.

06-20-2018, 01:01 PM
Put the kiddos on wheel duty, with protective gear of course.

06-20-2018, 01:31 PM
I also negotiate with the wife for big events such as a 2 Step polish, or, as I will be doing next Monday, I will take the day off from work. I’m the father of a 2 year old who goes to daycare, so my day will be free until 5pm.

For maintenance, I find myself working on the car after his bedtime, doing the best I can with garage lighting (waterless/Rinseless washes, quick details, spray waxes).

I get up early for regular washes on weekends... like 6:30am. This gets the work done before my son is in full-blown energy mode, and the indirect sun helps prevent water spotting.

06-20-2018, 05:56 PM
When I was correcting and coating with uk, I would start at 7pm and work till 3am. I did this several times till my Suburban was done. I have twin boys age 4. Now that I'm coated with two coats of uk, gliss, and do my coating maintenance with reload or Hydro2 the washes take about 30 mins. I do those early like 6am before kids are active. My wife cringes when I walk into the garage. She hates every second of it and feels that if a car starts there is no other maintenance needed.

06-20-2018, 10:16 PM
Some great tips here. Thank you!

The DA is a Griot's Garage 8mm model that I received as a gift. I'll definitely have to break that out. I like the idea of negotiating with the wife for some kid-free time. I actually decided to take a day off to do my car today (did the wife's on Sunday with the kids) and that worked out nicely. Still, I'd like to get faster anyway so I can do it more often. I'll try some of the ideas and products you all suggested.

06-20-2018, 10:19 PM
Good luck. Us fathers are here for you if you need any other suggestions/answers.