View Full Version : Need advice, coating related

06-01-2018, 05:05 PM
So I recently took the plunge and coated my vehicle. I decided to use Kamakaze Miyabi Coat topped with ISM coat and overcoat after the cure as a superficial layer. CAre was obviously decontaminated and polished to about as well as my skill allows. I'm pretty happy with the way the polishing turned out. Coating application went great as well. Kamakaze Collection is super easy to apply and more importantly remove. I didn't get any streaking, smearing, and after completion, only 1 high spot under the rear door handle, almost can't notice unless your inspecting with a fine tooth comb.

So onto my issue. Fenders, doors, rear qtr, roof, every single panel came out as expected. Looks amazing, super slick, gave it a solid 3 days plus to cure for ISM and 4 days for Miyabi and the first wash was a dream. Hood was a different story, Application seemed to go well, but after I seem a few little water spots that appear to be between the two coating if its possible. I tried washing, claying, CarPro Spotless, even the Kamakaze Water spot remover wasn't touching it as I think it's underneath the coating. So my dilemma.

I haven't got the slightest clue as to how to remove this and start over on the hood. More specifically how aggressive I need to be with the polish/compound to remove this coating and apply again. I have plenty of product left over and want the hood to look as good as the rest of the car. It's not like it doesn't bead/sheet water, just not at the same level as the other panels. And those water spots are tiny, almost invisible to the eye unless you have a light source looking for them and even then it's a hard spot to find but I know they are they and it's bugging me.

Would Sonax Perfect Finish be enough to cut to remove the layers of coating? The most aggressive polish I have is Jescar Correcting compound and microfiber cut pads. Any Ideas on how to strip this coating would be helpful.

06-01-2018, 06:01 PM
Your least aggressive polish will easily cut through your coating.

The Guz
06-01-2018, 06:22 PM
Perfect finish will be enough.

06-01-2018, 09:33 PM
Thanks for the quick reply gents. I was a tad concerned about having to do a heavy cut, then polish. Ill give PF a go with a yrllow rupes pad and try again. Hopefully with better results.

06-01-2018, 10:35 PM
Application seemed to go well, but after I seem a few little water spots that appear to be between the two coating if its possible.

It's possible...i ended up wirh a similar circumstance between coats of coating once (24 hrs between coats); not spots so much as a very slight haze.

Unfortunate, but ya know if you don't fix it, it'll drive ya nuts every time you look at it.

06-02-2018, 02:14 AM
You could do a test spot on the front off the hood with PF and Rupes yellow pad. Then do an inspection with a panel wipe product and then mist and spray on some water to see so the water behavior has deminished alot. Then you know if it's has got through the coating.

Understandable that you want the hood as perfect as possible.

06-02-2018, 03:30 PM
Next week looks like decent weather, going to give it a try. Thanks for the replies guys. Helps a lot to have different opinions. I just didn't want to start off too aggressive with a MF pad/ compound when Sonax and yellow pad might do the trick.