View Full Version : Paint Overspray on 2008 Audi R8 V-10

05-23-2018, 01:38 AM
My repeat customer who I've had the pleasure of detailing his R8 twice texted me tonight with picture of his Audio R8 V-10 with white speckles all over it (photo to come soon). He was fairly calm, as was I, because the entire vehicle has a clear-bra wrap. I asked him if he was all the way home (north of town) or if he was still in my area... Happy Hour up the road saved the day! Minutes after talking to him to invite him over, I could hear the double-clutch (pop-pop exhaust) of the V-10 from a mile away. :) He pulled the vehicle in and upon inspection, sure enough it was white paint over-spay ALL OVER THE VEHICLE! EVERYWHERE!

Tonights mission was purely recon and diagnosis with prognosis. He was pretty much ready to call his ins co and file a claim (zero deductible and no hassle claims - when you own an R8....) and just have the clear-bra replaced. But I said, lets see what we can do.

I started with least aggressive method and gingerly worked my way up the aggressive scale-level. First I tried an MF w/ Megs D114, this did nothing. Then I tried Erasure with an MF, and nothing. I grabbed my D114 and Fine Poly Clay, nothing, except if I put a little bit of elbow grease into it, I was able to remove the overspray, but at a cost of slightly marring the clear-bra (hence, clay should only be glided on a surface, but keep in mind he was ready to replace the CB). Most inferior clear-bras would be unforgiving, but this must be the good stuff... Read on!

I then decided increase the area of my test spot. The test spot that had been clayed and the another small area near that had only been cleaned with MF/D114. Both areas combined as about 16" x 16."

The clayed area had a few spots of paint remaining and light marring from the clay, the other area previously cleaned with D114 still had a lot of paint splatter. I used G-15, BOSS Orange Pad and Megs 205 and did a proper 6 section pass. TA DA!!!!!! Not only did we eliminate the paint spatter, but we also cleaned up the marring from the clay. The owner was ECSTATIC!!!

We accomplished what we needed to, recon mission complete. We determined the contamination and determined the course of action to resolve the issue. Despite the fact he was just here last month for his 6 month maintenance, he eagerly booked next weekend for paint correction (polish) and Nano Glass Ceramic Coating. He'll get a bit of a break because everything else is already done (engine bay, boot, interior, and all plastics & trim have DLUX).

This was a perfect example of going from least aggressive to moderate in a very small test section to determine a path to resolution. The customer was ecstatic knowing he could go on a business trip, leave his car with me and come back and it will be better than ever when he returns. I'm ecstatic because I followed my principles, Good Customer Service, (told him to come right over), and always, least aggressive methods first, work small. I also got to use the full accompaniment of my new Scangrip Lighits! They don't lie!!

Was a good night for both of us... The R8 will be saved! :)

05-23-2018, 05:18 AM
Love these kinds of stories!

Win---win for both you and your customer.

And top notch ethics on your part!
