View Full Version : Injury...how to wash car?

05-06-2018, 03:47 PM
Was playing soccer yesterday and ruptured left achilles. Horrible pain and severe consequences. Will be going through surgery next week and at least 2months in a special boot jumping on crunches. With that said, i will most likely not going to be able to wash my cars. And that upsets me A LOT. Both cars are coated so I can’t really take them to a car wash. Have no one to wash the car for me either...

You might think that this guy is crazy - about to get an expensive surgery will long recovery period and he thinks about car washes. I know, it is crazy. But that is the way I am.

If anyone has been in my shoes, how did you guys handles the situation?

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05-06-2018, 03:55 PM
I wouldn't be worrying about washing my vehicles, I'd be way more concerned about the operation and the rehab and the medical bills. If it bothers your ocd that much you could always seek out a reputable detailer to hire and wash them for you. Anyway, I hope all goes well for you.

05-06-2018, 04:00 PM
Not as bad as a injury, it was my knee. got a rolling chair and did many rinse less washes in the garage, one panel at a time slowly taking my time using ONR or Uber RW

05-06-2018, 04:48 PM
Sorry to hear of your injury.

Here’s hoping for a successful Achilles
tendon repair; along with its return to
a state of complete healthiness.


As to the care of your vehicles:

I would expect that immediately after
the Achilles tendon repair, that the
rehabilitation protocol will call for a
nonweightbearing period of ~ 3 weeks.

I would ask: Once that goal has been
reached, would it then be plausible for
car-washing tasks to be made part of the
@home Achilles tendon rehab. protocol?

•Maybe they will. Maybe they won’t. :dunno:
-Either way:
please make getting yourself back to being
up-to-snuff your Number One priority.


05-06-2018, 05:20 PM
I wouldn't be worrying about washing my vehicles, I'd be way more concerned about the operation and the rehab and the medical bills. If it bothers your ocd that much you could always seek out a reputable detailer to hire and wash them for you. Anyway, I hope all goes well for you.

I’m just trying not to think about all this stuff just yet...that’s why i’m posting this sort of nonsense.

Thanks for the kind words though

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05-06-2018, 05:29 PM
Cars are coated..???

Should be good for a month. By then you'll either be able to do a waterless or find someone nearby to help.

Your cars will do fine...cuz you've done the coating...!


05-06-2018, 05:41 PM
Cars are coated..???

Should be good for a month. By then you'll either be able to do a waterless or find someone nearby to help.

Your cars will do fine...cuz you've done the coating...!


Yep, CQ on both cars. My civic though was recently in body shop for bumper repairs and rear quarter panels needed to be re-polished and re-coated...not happening any time soon...

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05-06-2018, 06:01 PM
From someone with physical disabilities, you can find a way to do almost anything. From a service related head injury I have very limited use of my left arm and even less for my left hand. My left leg is affected also, and again my left foot is worse. You just have to figure out modifications, and adaptations. I can get most things done on my own, most things take longer. Some things are a real pita , but I do it anyway. Like was said above a rolling chair. A long handle rv wash mitt. Most of all patients, because if you get frustrated things go down hill. Funny thing is some of the simplest tasks can be the most frustrating ones. Moral of the story is if you want to still wash your car, you can figure out a way that works for you.

05-06-2018, 06:01 PM
Sorry to hear of your injury, bummer, like custom sporty said your health and in recovery is top priority, since the cars coated it will be alright, once you are healed, you can always correct any neglected finish.
Speedy recovery

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05-06-2018, 06:11 PM
From someone with physical disabilities, you can find a way to do almost anything. From a service related head injury I have very limited use of my left arm and even less for my left hand. My left leg is affected also, and again my left foot is worse. You just have to figure out modifications, and adaptations. I can get most things done on my own, most things take longer. Some things are a real pita , but I do it anyway. Like was said above a rolling chair. A long handle rv wash mitt. Most of all patients, because if you get frustrated things go down hill. Funny thing is some of the simplest tasks can be the most frustrating ones. Moral of the story is if you want to still wash your car, you can figure out a way that works for you.

Thank you for the feedback. It just feels absolutely surreal not being able to do things you used to. Being an active guys and into sports for the most part of my life can’t imagine myself being out of this for at least 8 months...stuff happens.

The good thing is that my car is manual and my wife can’t drive it (she can but she really doesn’t want to deal with manual anymore) so it will be sitting in garage collecting dust lol

Again, appreciate everyone’s feedback. Be safe out there guys

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05-06-2018, 06:57 PM
How about using a basic touchless car wash. Around here the touchless wash is better than nothing and I don't believe with the basic wash there is any added wax or gloss enhancers.

05-06-2018, 08:02 PM
Was playing soccer yesterday and ruptured left achilles. Horrible pain and severe consequences. Will be going through surgery next week and at least 2months in a special boot jumping on crunches. With that said, i will most likely not going to be able to wash my cars. And that upsets me A LOT. Both cars are coated so I can’t really take them to a car wash. Have no one to wash the car for me either...

You might think that this guy is crazy - about to get an expensive surgery will long recovery period and he thinks about car washes. I know, it is crazy. But that is the way I am.

If anyone has been in my shoes, how did you guys handles the situation?

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What part of Texas? Maybe someone would be willing to help you out.

05-06-2018, 09:41 PM
Was playing soccer yesterday and ruptured left achilles. Horrible pain and severe consequences. Will be going through surgery next week and at least 2months in a special boot jumping on crunches. With that said, i will most likely not going to be able to wash my cars. And that upsets me A LOT. Both cars are coated so I can’t really take them to a car wash. Have no one to wash the car for me either...

You might think that this guy is crazy - about to get an expensive surgery will long recovery period and he thinks about car washes. I know, it is crazy. But that is the way I am.

If anyone has been in my shoes, how did you guys handles the situation?

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Sorry to hear about your injury. I know how you feel, well exactly how you feel.

I ruptured my right achilles playing basketball 22 months ago. It was no fun and I hated not being able to get around and do things, including washing cars or taking care of the yard etc....

I managed to stay relatively functional with two things. Crutches suck, but I used them where they made sense. Otherwise, I rented a knee scooter and actually used that to wash cars!

I also bought a "knee crutch" and was able to do a few other tasks. However, that thing wasn't very easy to be moving around quickly or anything. Amazon.com: iWALK2.0 Hands Free Knee Crutch - Alternative for Crutches and Knee Scooters - by iWALKFree: Health & Personal Care (https://www.amazon.com/iWALK2-0-Hands-Free-Knee-Crutch/dp/B00092RB06/ref=sr_1_1_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1525660629&sr=8-1&keywords=knee+crutch&dpID=41n1USLWuPL&preST=_SY300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch)

In the end, it will all come down to how your leg is doing as far as pain or swelling. Did you decide to have surgery or go the non-surgical route? My rupture had a separation of 62mm (roughly 2.5 inches) and I went non-surgical. Everything went well and healed up well.

Good Luck!

05-06-2018, 09:46 PM
sorry to hear about your injury :( . perhaps you can find a fellow AGO member to come by and help out. which state/city do you live in?

05-06-2018, 09:48 PM
Sorry to hear about your injury. I know how you feel, well exactly how you feel.

I ruptured my right achilles playing basketball 22 months ago. It was no fun and I hated not being able to get around and do things, including washing cars or taking care of the yard etc....

I managed to stay relatively functional with two things. Crutches suck, but I used them where they made sense. Otherwise, I rented a knee scooter and actually used that to wash cars!

I also bought a "knee crutch" and was able to do a few other tasks. However, that thing wasn't very easy to be moving around quickly or anything. Amazon.com: iWALK2.0 Hands Free Knee Crutch - Alternative for Crutches and Knee Scooters - by iWALKFree: Health & Personal Care (https://www.amazon.com/iWALK2-0-Hands-Free-Knee-Crutch/dp/B00092RB06/ref=sr_1_1_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1525660629&sr=8-1&keywords=knee+crutch&dpID=41n1USLWuPL&preST=_SY300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch)

In the end, it will all come down to how your leg is doing as far as pain or swelling. Did you decide to have surgery or go the non-surgical route? My rupture had a separation of 62mm (roughly 2.5 inches) and I went non-surgical. Everything went well and healed up well.

Good Luck!

Wow! That knee crunch looks awesome! Really appreciate the heads up this thing!

I’m not sure how bad of a rupture it is. Ultrasound tech at emergency wasn’t able to tell anything definitive. She had to send out the images and i waited another hour just to hear that it is likely snapped. Hell, it was obvious without ultrasound. I’ll be trying to get an appointment tomorrow and hopefully scheduled for a surgery. I’ll likely go for surgery since the likelihood if the injury in the future is much less (supposedly) if you go this route. We shall see. But again, thanks for sharing your experience, means a lot

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