View Full Version : SOAP WITH WAX Built In: What's the Deal With That?

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04-28-2018, 02:50 PM
What's the deal with car soap with wax or polish additives built in?

I haven't bought car soap in a long time, and went I just went to get some, I saw a lot of soaps come with a wax additive, or it might be polish, or either. I didn't study it too carefully. I decided to run here and ask about it. I never saw such a thing before. I'm suspicious about such things. It sounds like a short cut for people who are more interested in saving time than getting the best result.

04-28-2018, 03:55 PM
•It seems, to me, that “Wash and Wax” car
shampoos (Turtle Wax’s Zip, came to mind)
have been around for quite a while.

•And if you think that waxing a car—while
you are washing it—is something you’ve
never seen before; well...guess what?

-There are now car-care products that
are labeled: “Wax As You Dry”!

•To Conclude:
-It appears that it’s possible to add,
at the very least, a modicum of Wax
while you are washing and/or drying
a vehicle. Because Science.


04-28-2018, 04:03 PM
I haven’t tried very many soaps that are labeled “wash & wax” [I tend to prefer normL car wash soaps] but of the ones I’ve tried, none of them have ever left the paint with any noticeable indications of having been “just waxed”. Not even a minimal sign of beading or anything.

04-28-2018, 04:20 PM
One I have tried that is the real deal...

McKee's 37 Power Wash, foaming wash and wax (https://www.autogeek.net/dp300.html)

04-28-2018, 04:31 PM
One I have tried that is the real deal...

McKee's 37 Power Wash, foaming wash and wax (https://www.autogeek.net/dp300.html)

I couldn’t disagree more...


04-28-2018, 04:47 PM
I used to use Meg's UW&W before I knew much about detailing. Tried a few other ones too.

In my head, I guess I kind of "convinced" myself it added some shine.

Not until I started ordering good products here on AGO did I realize how wrong I was.

On a side note, I still use UW&W. Nothing makes the plastic in my wheel wells look as good. Go figure..... :dunno:

04-28-2018, 05:15 PM
I couldn’t disagree more...

You're not a fan?

04-28-2018, 05:48 PM
Such products have been out for at least ten years. Are they good? I don't know, I've only tried one and it kinda worked.

04-28-2018, 07:06 PM
You're not a fan?

Nope. It’s cleaning and lubricity is average and the suds go weak near the end of a bucket wash. It’s 1 of the only soaps I’ve used that always seems to need to get sprayed with a jet from the nozzle midway though a bucket wash.

And as far as the “wax” component, the results look no different than any other soap and there’s absolutely no beading to see during the post wash rinse.

@$50 bucks per gallon it costs more than double of what most other quality car washes cost while performing sub par in every category.

04-28-2018, 07:29 PM
Since I have to dry a vehicle every time i wash it, I don't see the point. I can lay a better wax/sealant in as I dry, than any wash and wax can provide. Why would I not use the best cleaning soap I can get? Maybe if I'm just removing dust? Ok, I see that, with a product like rinseless Uber.

Otherwise, washing a vehicle is a two step process - wash and dry. Use the best products for each step.

04-28-2018, 08:48 PM
Hydrofoam is excellent at leaving legitimate protection behind. Also Stoner coating wash leaves pretty good/noticeable protection behind as well.

04-29-2018, 05:49 PM
What about if a polish finish is desired to be put on?

Must a waxy wash soap be avoided, because wax would prevent proper adhesion of the polish?

04-29-2018, 06:19 PM
If you are planning on waxing anyway, the wax in a soap/shampoo would not affect bonding. If you are using something like Hydro2, the wax component can cause streaking. I’ve quit using any soaps with any type of additives as I mainly coat my vehicles and the wax in the soap interferes with the performance of the coating. CarPro Reset is my go to soap.

04-30-2018, 08:09 AM
I stopped using wash/wax products when I moved to coatings, but when I was still using sealants I really liked McKee's 37 Powerwash and the old Blackfire product that had their sealant mixed in (I can't remember what it was called)

The McKee's Powerwash was the better soap over all with good cleaning and respectable lubricity. What I really liked about it was the the carnauba-like gloss it left on black paint. I also had few/no water spotting issues with it and never felt a need to do any type of shine booster. The soap did it for me. The old Blackfire product wasn't as good of a shampoo by any measurement, but it left a nice shiny sealant-like look behind that really made lighter metallic colors pop.

I wouldn't use that type of product if I was interested in adding protection, but I did see it left a nice smooth finish and a slight boost in gloss/shine.

04-30-2018, 08:40 AM
IMO it’s nowhere near the level of Reset.
Meguiars Gold Class is better.