View Full Version : Very disappointed with Super Plush Junior MF Towel

04-18-2018, 04:07 PM
I received 12 pack of Super Plush Junior MF towels that I ordered about a week ago.

I loaded them up in my washer with nothing else but these towels and dried them using my dryer (using the lowest temperature setting and clean lint filter)
And stored them nicely inside a plastic container.

Yesterday, I finally got a chance to use them. After I was done washing and drying my vehicle (using Griots PFM towels and Metro Sidekick) I sprayed some drying aid (mixture of CarPro's Ech2o and reload) on to my car surface and wiped the product with one Super Plush Junior towel and final buffed with another super plush junior towel. I was about to move onto the next panel but thats when I saw lint all over the section that I just wiped with Super Plush Junior towel. I thought maybe that one particular towel was bad so I tried wiping with new Super Plush Junior towel on the panel that I haven't touched yet and what do you know? Lint everywhere! I went through all 12 of them and same story!

I can't believe how brand new towels can lint like this when I washed them prior to my first use and did not wash or dry with any other towels?

This is very disappointing considering how expensive they are... :mad:

Billy Baldone
04-18-2018, 07:31 PM
I have found most towels the yellow and purple plush towels from Autogeek lint. You are not alone friend...

04-18-2018, 07:37 PM
Sorry to hear that. I haven’t tried the Super Plush out yet, the Gold Plush Jr. towels I’ve used over the years with great results and no linting.

04-19-2018, 04:40 AM
Give them a couple of washes more and see if they stop linting for you. After drying wipp them hard so some of lint releases. It's frustrateing when it's happens and hope you sort it out.

04-20-2018, 04:46 AM
These are one of my favorite towels.....after I wash them, I hang them to dry and haven't had any problems with lint. As a side note, I do put them through an extra rinse cycle