View Full Version : Such a thing as the grain of the paint??

03-22-2018, 06:28 PM
Hopefully you can settle a discussion between a friend and I:

Friend: When you do stuff to your car (wash, polish, wax, etc), never go in circles, because it will cause swirl marks, always move in straight lines
Me: A scratch is a scratch; who cares if it is a circle or a straight line, it's still a scratch that has to be fixed.
Friend: Well you need to wipe in the direction of the grain of the paint

But anyway, I know what cause swirls and scratches in paint, so no need for the explanation.

But, is there any truth value to my buddy's grain statement? I'm thinking he may be confusing cars with wood, LOL.


03-22-2018, 06:40 PM
Hopefully you can settle a discussion between a friend and I:

Friend: When you do stuff to your car (wash, polish, wax, etc), never go in circles, because it will cause swirl marks, always move in straight lines
Me: A scratch is a scratch; who cares if it is a circle or a straight line, it's still a scratch that has to be fixed.
Friend: Well you need to wipe in the direction of the grain of the paint

But anyway, I know what cause swirls and scratches in paint, so no need for the explanation.

But, is there any truth value to my buddy's grain statement? I'm thinking he may be confusing cars with wood, LOL.


The grain comment sounds like confusion on your friend’s part between wood working and paint polishing.

The logic on straight line waxing vs circular (wax-on, Wax-off) style has been discussed on here before. The rationale behind straight lines vs circular is as such: If you pick up a foreign piece of scratching type debris on your wax applicator, the straight lines will keep the scratch in straight lines vs circular scratches. In the end which scratch looks worse. I guess the circular. In the end you are correct. A scratch is a scratch.

03-22-2018, 06:54 PM
Thanks. Love that T/A in your pic.

03-22-2018, 07:05 PM
Hopefully you can settle a discussion between a friend and I:

Friend: When you do stuff to your car (wash, polish, wax, etc), never go in circles, because it will cause swirl marks, always move in straight lines
Me: A scratch is a scratch; who cares if it is a circle or a straight line, it's still a scratch that has to be fixed.
Friend: Well you need to wipe in the direction of the grain of the paint

But anyway, I know what cause swirls and scratches in paint, so no need for the explanation.

But, is there any truth value to my buddy's grain statement? I'm thinking he may be confusing cars with wood, LOL.


Just take it with a grain of salt.

03-22-2018, 08:41 PM
Thanks. Love that T/A in your pic.

Thanks, 1998, only 8,400 miles. I will be selling it when the weather warms up.

03-22-2018, 09:04 PM
Friend: When you do stuff to your car (wash,
polish, wax, etc), never go in circles, because
it will cause swirl marks, always
move in straight lines

Friend: Well you need to
wipe in the direction
of the grain of the paint

...is there any truth value to
my buddy's grain statement?

•I personally don’t believe your Buddy’s
“grain statement” has any truth value.
-(Conversely: Perhaps his “move in straight
lines” statement may actually have merit.)

•However, I’m willing to give him the ben-
efit of a doubt, and propose the following:

-His intent is to mean that the same way
that he visualizes air flowing over a vehicle
[(¿)Laminar Flow/Bernoulli's Principle(?); see
below picture], is also the way a person
should probably detail said vehicle.

-In other words:’Go With The Flow’



03-22-2018, 09:12 PM
•I personally don’t believe your Buddy’s
“grain statement” has any truth value.
-(Conversely: Perhaps his “move in straight
lines” statement may actually have merit.)

•However, I’m willing to give him the ben-
efit of a doubt, and propose the following:

-His intent is to mean that the same way
that he visualizes air flowing over a vehicle
[(¿)Laminar Flow/Bernoulli's Principle(?); see
below picture], is also the way a person
should probably detail said vehicle.

-In other words:’Go With The Flow’



There are millions of these little blue cars running through Bob's brain at any one time.

The cool thing is............ Sometimes there is a red one. :props:

03-22-2018, 09:51 PM
Yeah, my buddy is actually a guru when it comes to motors and making cars fast.

But, he really doesn't know much about detailing which he admits.

He got this idea (about the grain) from another friend of his (whom I'm not very familiar with). But this friend is now deceased (I may have met him once) and my buddy places a lot of faith in him, therefore our disagreement.

03-22-2018, 10:24 PM
I think paint had a grain back when they used to paint cars with brushes.