View Full Version : Pollen season in Texas

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03-14-2018, 08:31 AM
For those in Texas, how do you guys deal with tree pollen? It's everywhere, I mean EVERYWHERE. I was washing my car last weekend and by the time i was done with wiping the driver door hood was already covered with the POLLEN:mad::mad:
Now I wonder how abrasive the pollen is? say, if I detailing the car outdoors during this season (say final polish stage), will the pollen leave scratches/marring on the paint?

03-14-2018, 09:09 AM
I don't live in Texas, but see pollen every bit as bad as you do, if not worse. Here it won't hit for a few more weeks due to the cold and snow we've been having.

I always bucket wash during the pollen blizzards of Spring and rinse a car heavily before washing. Likewise, for the same reasons you mention, I dry VERY gently to ensure the pollen floating down on the vehicle doesn't marr the paint.

I'm not sure what LSP you're using, but I've found since I started using coatings instead of waxes or sealants, the pollen comes off much easier and often a good hard rain will rinse my vehicles almost totally clean.

03-14-2018, 09:16 AM
I've got both of my cars coated with CQ. And yes, it cleans with very little to no effort at all. But my concerns is that my buddy asks me to detail his Audi (black and paint is trashed to my standards) which will require compound/polish (at the very least). So i wonder if this can still be done during this season or I need to wait till it's gone?

03-14-2018, 09:22 AM
If you can work in a covered area, it should be fine. Otherwise, I'd be very careful as you wipe down each panel after each step to ensure any collected pollen won't marr the finish.

You may not have any choice but to go for it now if you don't have a covered area. Once pollen season is over, the weather may be too warm to do the job as easily as you could now.

03-14-2018, 09:25 AM
yep, rising temps is another concern! well, I can work in my garage but again it's not sealed and air is still full of pollen. ugh, not sure what to do. guess I'll have to turn this job down for now...

03-14-2018, 10:20 AM
You should be fine in your garage. I've worked my cars for years during the Spring and had no issues. Sitting out on the driveway would have been difficult, but it was no problem in the garage even with the door open for ventilation.

I wouldn't turn down the work. I'm simply an enthusiast, but if I had to avoid pollen fallout to do any exterior detailing I wouldn't be able to do any work between late March/April and mid-June!

03-14-2018, 11:44 AM
You should be fine in your garage. I've worked my cars for years during the Spring and had no issues. Sitting out on the driveway would have been difficult, but it was no problem in the garage even with the door open for ventilation.

I wouldn't turn down the work. I'm simply an enthusiast, but if I had to avoid pollen fallout to do any exterior detailing I wouldn't be able to do any work between late March/April and mid-June!

Very good point. I guess i’ll get it done before it gets bloody hot over here lol

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03-14-2018, 12:30 PM
Cut down all the live oaks witching 1/2 mile radius lol. Live oaks are the worst!! I was fortunate, my neighbor is pretty OCD as well and when he saw the stuff coming off his tree he had it cut down. Helped me some, unfortunately for him the neighbor on his other side has one. We have to deal with some of it but it's not nearly as bad as when we had one right at the edge of our driveway.

About all you can do is wash it a little more often. Fortunately with the coatings on the car you won't have to worry about it staining the paint. What part of Texas do you live in?

03-14-2018, 12:53 PM
Cut down all the live oaks witching 1/2 mile radius lol. Live oaks are the worst!! I was fortunate, my neighbor is pretty OCD as well and when he saw the stuff coming off his tree he had it cut down. Helped me some, unfortunately for him the neighbor on his other side has one. We have to deal with some of it but it's not nearly as bad as when we had one right at the edge of our driveway.

About all you can do is wash it a little more often. Fortunately with the coatings on the car you won't have to worry about it staining the paint. What part of Texas do you live in?

I'm in Spring, up north of Houston. My main concern here is that I'll be introducing abrasive media (pollen/dust) during correction stage. hell, even during the LSP application. Noramlly I'd do the IPA wipedown right before the application but I bet the car would be covered with pollen by then. Will the wipedown of clean but pollen covered surface with quality microfiber introduce marring/scratches? that's the biggest question I have really

03-14-2018, 01:00 PM
Here in florida pollen season is out of control!! Last week washed the bike and my truck. After the driveway dried, there was a pollen line across the driveway.

03-14-2018, 01:02 PM
Here in florida pollen season is out of control!! Last week washed the bike and my truck. After the driveway dried, there was a pollen line across the driveway.

Yep, same here mate. Entire driveway was covered with green line of the pollen washed off of the car

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03-14-2018, 01:04 PM
I'm in Spring, up north of Houston. My main concern here is that I'll be introducing abrasive media (pollen/dust) during correction stage. hell, even during the LSP application. Noramlly I'd do the IPA wipedown right before the application but I bet the car would be covered with pollen by then. Will the wipedown of clean but pollen covered surface with quality microfiber introduce marring/scratches? that's the biggest question I have really

I don't think the pollen will be abrasive at all. I would be more concerned it would smear and leave yellow/green color in the LSP. Unless it's your trees or a neighbor's if you do it on a day without much wind you should be ok. I'm assuming you don't have a garage. If that's the case to you know anyone who might have a garage you could use to apply the LSP? The LSP application is the only time I could see having a real issue.

03-14-2018, 01:09 PM
I don't think the pollen will be abrasive at all. I would be more concerned it would smear and leave yellow/green color in the LSP. Unless it's your trees or a neighbor's if you do it on a day without much wind you should be ok. I'm assuming you don't have a garage. If that's the case to you know anyone who might have a garage you could use to apply the LSP? The LSP application is the only time I could see having a real issue.

I do have a garage. In fact, there are no trees within 0.5mi off of my house. But the pollen is just in the air. My cars are getting covered with it even sitting in the garage[emoji15][emoji15][emoji15]

The car i’m planning to work is pure black (non-metallic) and the LSP to be applied is sealant (likely power lock). I do not anticipate seeing ‘green/orange’ traces on the paint afterwards but that’s my guess only. That’s why i’m reaching out to you guys to see if you got that issue sorted out.

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03-14-2018, 02:02 PM
Now I wonder how abrasive the pollen is?

say, if I detailing the car outdoors during this
season (say final polish stage), will the pollen
leave scratches/marring on the paint?
Yes...Pollen can be quite abrasive.

There was a magnified photo of a single
pollen "granule" or whatever they're called
(spores?) on a detailing forum somewhere
i remember seeing.

They look like little spiky balls that were
attached to chains in Medieval times.
Truly a wicked little looking thing and it
doesn't surprise me that they can marr paint!

{Think: Dominatrix attire.}


03-14-2018, 05:17 PM
I'm in Spring, up north of Houston. My main concern here is that I'll be introducing abrasive media (pollen/dust) during correction stage. hell, even during the LSP application. Noramlly I'd do the IPA wipedown right before the application but I bet the car would be covered with pollen by then. Will the wipedown of clean but pollen covered surface with quality microfiber introduce marring/scratches? that's the biggest question I have really
I spent two years in spring. I Never had so much pollen, and dirt in the air as I did there.