View Full Version : Help Please: Coating Failure? Oily Smears?

01-28-2018, 07:25 PM
I could use some help please folks. I washed my car yesterday, second time since I put on McKee's 37 Paint Coating in late December. Washed with Meguire's Gold Class soap as usual, dried with my brand new McKee's 37 Turbo Car Dryer, then followed up with a nice microfiber to get the tiny drops left behind. As I was doing the final microfiber dry, I noticed some odd 'smears' on the car. Looked almost oily. It's hard to explain, but I have attached several photos. I tried washing a couple of the areas again, but the smears remained. I applied some McKee's 37 Trademark Extender Spray Wax, smears remained. Pulled it in the garage, came out later that night and I thought the smears were gone. I was very excited. But this morning I realized after I pulled the car out of the garage that the smears don't show up under fluorescent lights. So they are still there. Most, but now all, spots that I have noticed are new panel edges...could it be from the rubber seals, etc.? It happened on panels cover with paint protection film and panels that aren't. McKee's 37 Paint Coating on top of everything.

Any ideas what it could be?

What should I do to 'fix' it?

Only thing different from my normal routine: I used the Turbo Car Dryer. And I used a new Grit Guard.

Thanks for you help.







01-28-2018, 07:27 PM
Looks like high spots... You either let the coating sit to long before wiping off, or you just didn't wipe it off good enough. Re-polish and start over.

01-28-2018, 07:33 PM
They weren't there before yesterday. Can it take time for high spots to appear?

01-28-2018, 07:40 PM
High Spots Left too much on or did not remove enough. Redo.


01-28-2018, 07:49 PM
They weren't there before yesterday. Can it take time for high spots to appear?

I have a few on my hood that I never bothered to fix, you can only see them under certain lighting conditions. Most noticeable when it's overcast. Maybe you just didn't have the right kind of light to see them before.

Bruno Soares
01-28-2018, 09:05 PM
Yeah, pretty sure they were there and you just didn’t notice. Those are high spots which means coating wasn’t leveled or wiped away properly. Only fix is to polish and coat again.

01-28-2018, 09:13 PM
I don't know if it has anything to do with your problem but you are using the wrong shampoo for a coated car. You want one for a coated car that leaves nothing behind or is specifically for a coated car. On mime I use N-914 for a waterless wash and either Carpro reset or Geyon bathe as regular shampoos.

01-28-2018, 09:15 PM
But before you polish, try this: keep in mind that Like removes Like. First time I used CanCoat I had the same problem. I waited too long after applying and the next day (in the sun) I had some high spots, all of them on glass. I sprayed more CanCoat on the high spots, waited about 25-35 seconds, then wiped. I wiped a bit aggressive, to be honest. Voila, gone. Not a guarantee, but worth a shot before you get the DA out.
If it works, let me know. I'll give you my address for the bottle of Merlot you can send me. (Just kidding).

01-28-2018, 10:33 PM
You can just polish and touch up those spots by reapplying the coating. I've used Gold Glass soap with good results also.

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01-29-2018, 08:11 AM
Agree those are high spots. I've suffered the same.

When I applied a coating in my car I lit my garage to the best of my ability. I went over every surface as closely as possible after I was done and even used an LED flashlight in attempt to find high spots. Once done, I felt pretty good about myself and backed the car out into the sunlight only to find a few high spots I had to quickly buff out. Even after all of that, I still found a high spot weeks later on the roof near the sunroof. Fortunately it's small and hard to see, so I just left it.

01-29-2018, 08:21 AM
I've recently found 2 high spots with Mckees as well. I'm going to try what glfnaz suggests. Thats what I did when I found one after 24hrs, but now that its been over a month, it may not work.

01-29-2018, 12:31 PM
Ugh, high spots. Since I can’t see them in my very brightly fluorescent lit garage, it may be a lighting issue. I didn’t notice them for weeks in the Florida sun. But it was very overcast this weekend when I finally saw them.

Anybody have success polishing and reapplying locally? Or do I have to do the entire panel? Thoughts on this as a plan if attack: I think first I will try to coat over a high spot or two and see if it helps. If not polish locally and recoat. If that doesn’t work well, polish and coat the entire pane.

01-29-2018, 12:41 PM
Something many people fail to realize when applying coatings is the best lighting to inspect your vehicle after application is NOT bright sunlight or bright inspection lighting. The ideal situation is outdoors in complete shade or when overcast. The bright, but completely diffuse lighting is what will make high spots very easy to spot, and the same high spots may be completely unnoticeable in bright, direct lighting.

You can polish locally and then re-coat. At that point I would just do a panel wipe of the entire panel and coat the whole effected panel just to be safe... it doesn’t take more than an extra minute or so to reapply to the entire panel vs. the polished area.

01-29-2018, 12:43 PM
Ugh, high spots. Since I can’t see them in my very brightly fluorescent lit garage, it may be a lighting issue. I didn’t notice them for weeks in the Florida sun. But it was very overcast this weekend when I finally saw them.

Anybody have success polishing and reapplying locally? Or do I have to do the entire panel? Thoughts on this as a plan if attack: I think first I will try to coat over a high spot or two and see if it helps. If not polish locally and recoat. If that doesn’t work well, polish and coat the entire pane.

I really don't see what polishing the entire panel would do for you vs just the high spot. I wouldn't even consider that an option

If simply re-coating over the area doesn't improve the appearance, I'd think you could hand polish the spots and then recoat that area. McKee's coating isn't like some of the professional grade coatings which claim to be "semi-permanent", so it shouldn't bee too difficult to fix.

01-31-2018, 09:37 PM
Thanks for the advice. If I end up polishing and re-coating I'll let you know how it goes. I haven't been able to see the high sport since the overcast weekend when I first noticed them...so it might not be a high priority for me. How should I light the car to see the high spots if I do decide to polish / re-coat? Outdoors I only see them on an overcast day. In my garage the fluorescent lights don't show the high spots. I guess I could wait for another overcast Sunday. But at that rate I probably will not bother until I do my planned re-coat in December.