View Full Version : Will Spring Water dry leaving water/mineral spots?

01-09-2018, 02:55 PM
Sometimes the store has no distilled water, so i pick up the 1gallon of spring water. I know if distilled water dries, it wont leave mineral spotting. I can't seem to find if using spring water instead will leave spotting when it dries?

01-09-2018, 03:18 PM
From #### - "Spring water comes from an underground source from which water naturally rises to the surface"

I would suspect that if it's a mineral rich spring, yes you will end up with water spots. You should use DI or distilled to avoid water spots
Having said that, if you do not wash in sun-light and quickly dry the vehicle, you may be ok..

01-10-2018, 12:27 PM
Sometimes the store has no distilled
water, so i pick up the 1 gallon of
spring water.

I know if distilled water dries, it
wont leave mineral spotting.

I can't seem to find if using spring
water instead will leave spotting
when it dries?
It’s from an underground source (the
whereabouts that is often a mystery)
and it may, or may not, have been
treated and/or purified to remove any
minerals, chemicals, or contaminants.

•If the label is unclear about the nature
of its contents...then here’s one way to
find out what all is in/not in your particular
brand of Spring Water:

-(The “Environmental Working Group”
has compiled reports on over 150 bottled
water suppliers): https://www.ewg.org/research/ewg-bottled-water-scorecard


Mike Phillips
01-10-2018, 01:04 PM
Just to chime in....

Recently I saw the hood of a maintained black car with water imprint rings from where water had dried and etched the paint.

Then I saw black car NOT maintained that after raining, the water laid flat as in sheeting or no water beading. I didn't see any water spots or imprint rings on the paint of this car.

For anyone that has buffed out cars, water spots are one of the worst types of defects to have to remove.



01-10-2018, 01:14 PM
We all would be better off with sealants that caused the water to lay flat, but also quickly sheet off in a big piece.

01-10-2018, 01:48 PM
It depends on the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) level of the spring water. The dissolved solids in the water are what causes the water spots.

You can buy a tester to measure the TDS of your water... Then you'll know. They're cheap. You can get a decent one for less than 20 bucks.

Bruno Soares
01-10-2018, 02:00 PM
It depends on the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) level of the spring water. The dissolved solids in the water are what causes the water spots.

You can buy a tester to measure the TDS of your water... Then you'll know. They're cheap. You can get a decent one for less than 20 bucks.

This. I bought one of those to test and my tap water is 225 on the TDS meter. Water from my CR Spotless is 0.

01-10-2018, 02:12 PM
Just to chime in....

Recently I saw the hood of a maintained black car with water imprint rings from where water had dried and etched the paint.

Then I saw black car NOT maintained that after raining, the water laid flat as in sheeting or no water beading. I didn't see any water spots or imprint rings on the paint of this car.

For anyone that has buffed out cars, water spots are one of the worst types of defects to have to remove.



Totally throwing a guess on why a maintained black finish will leave water spots vs non-maintained black.

No matter how clean our cars are as soon as it hits the outdoors it is exposed to all the contamination we try hard to remove. Almost all of our favorite LSP’s create hydrophobic finishes. When it rains our contamination sitting on our paint is easy turned aqueous when mixed with “pure” rain water and form cool beads:) These beads on black paint, dry faster thus baking them into the finish. Higher paint surface temps with dark colors.

My other guess on why non-maintained black paint shows less water spotting. Is that due to the lack of hydrophobicity with no LSP the aqueous mix of rain and contamination lays flat across the entire surface and drys in a more uniform manner.

I noticed this with our new Explorer at work, I worked hard to always dry it and maintain it with Meguiar’s D156 after sealing with Blackfire wet diamond sealant. Then just one wash by a coworker, who didn’t dry the car caused horrible water spots. Even the plastic grill had water spots.

I’ve noticed the Explorers at work that never get washed or LSP maintain have no water spots. The finish look like crap but they have no water spotting. Our water at work is very hard and heavily chlorinated.

01-11-2018, 02:48 AM
This. I bought one of those to test and my tap water is 225 on the TDS meter. Water from my CR Spotless is 0.

I wish mine was 225. Mine ranges between 450 and 525.