View Full Version : Water stain on truck headliner??

12-25-2017, 10:27 PM
My 2015 GMC truck started leaking at top of windshield and water has stained the headliner around the molded
part that contains the lights, switches, etc.

Its light staining, but you can see the outline.
I need suggestions on how to remove the stain line.

Thank you

Audios S6
12-25-2017, 11:43 PM
Doing anything that soaks the headliner more is not advisable since it has the potential to affect the adhesive.

Typically an acidic rinse is used to remove water marks/rings. That's normally in the form of citric acid.

You could try testing a spot with vinegar before going out and getting a fiber rinse product.

12-26-2017, 01:30 AM
Can you put in a warranty claim?

Gravity will help and hurt you here. Whatever you use you just want to clean the fabric shell and not get the insulation wet. If you blot the stain with a damp towel, it's unlikely that you get the insulation wet. If you spray a lot of product that's wicked into insulation, it's going to run back down into the fabric with who knows what else and the stain will get worse.

I would start with water and blotting it with a damp towel. Then progress to an upholstery cleaner, then an apc solution.