View Full Version : Super SUPER slow water sheeting?

12-25-2017, 08:20 AM
Yesterday I got a good pressure wash in after not being able to for a couple weeks. I always sheet the water off afterwards before drying. For some reason the water sheeted off super slow. Ive never seen it sheet so slow before not even close. This one spot was on there for literally 20 minutes.

Last week I had to go to the laser wash because of the cold then I did a rinseless with Mckees when I got home. Then I topped it off with the extender spray wax. Those were the was the last things I did . I'm thinking it was the laser wash. I've used it before and never noticed this issue but I don't use it much. Usually only before I'm going to polish.

What do you guys think this is?

https://image.ibb.co/dRfYS6/20171224_105737.jpg (https://ibb.co/gO9hLR)

Assuming its surfactants left over from the laser wash what do I need to use to get it off without hurting the lsp to much? I did a wipe down with n914 at ww dilution but I think i might need to go stronger?

12-25-2017, 09:11 AM
What kind of base protection you got on the car?
I have heard that some touchless car washes use both high alkaline and acid solvents to get the cars clean. Those are some nasty chemicals and a wax stands not up to them. Even a sealant that is not freshly applyied can be gone after a wash.

You can test to a very small area at the lower parts of the door or at the spot you took the picture at. And spray on d108 super degreaser at 1:10 wait for 45 seconds and use the pressure wash to rinse it of and use alot of water. Now the d108 is strong too but if it's surfactans left you at least get that of. And is it the same water behavior as before I think your lsp is gone. You can also test with a citrus based degreaser if you have that. The one thing to remember is to not let it dry on the paint. And that you maybe be applying a new layer of protection. After testing use your n914 to clean one more time to neutralice the degreaser you put on. Look how the sheeting is now and decide if you need to apply a protection. If you need to apply a protection to your car do a rinseless wash with n914 and apply your protection of choice.

12-25-2017, 09:59 AM
The N-914 should’ve been enough. If beading doesn’t come back after that your lsp is toast.

12-25-2017, 12:15 PM
The laser washes use acid as a primary way of getting things off your car. Then the rinse usually has an alkaline neutralizer to get rid of the acid. Slow sheeting like that is usually caused not necessarily by your lsp gone but by your lsp being contaminated by road salt.