View Full Version : Megs d103 or d101 ?

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12-04-2017, 02:05 PM
1. What is the difference in the two. I don't see d103 on their website, did d101 just take its place ?

2. From what I read, this product seems to take the place of a few cleaners. I am looking for a cleaner to clean the mud that is still left inside my fender wells, clean my running boards, clean the plastic and rubber interior dash pieces and clean my tires and wheels. Is that reasonable for this product ? And if so, will i still need a dressing on after i clean or will this protect as well ?

12-04-2017, 04:43 PM
D103 was all purpose cleaner plus, it was discontinued. The replacement will be out next year, I believe. D107

And d101 does not protect, you will need dressing. It is a good all purpose cleaner if you're looking to simplify your life. I've used it on many parts of a vehicle to good effect.

12-04-2017, 08:32 PM
D103 was all purpose cleaner plus, it was discontinued. The replacement will be out next year, I believe. D107

And d101 does not protect, you will need dressing. It is a good all purpose cleaner if you're looking to simplify your life. I've used it on many parts of a vehicle to good effect.

Thanks. Is it OK for exterior though? I was just reading reviews from how people use it on exetior trim and tires but everything on Megs site says interior.

12-04-2017, 08:37 PM
You can use it on exterior components. Diluted properly, it's safe on rubber and exterior trim. Just avoid glass and be careful around aluminum, paint, wheels (ok to use on clear-coated wheels if careful) and clear plastics.

12-05-2017, 12:35 AM
Yes it works great for exterior use too. I use it @10:1 and never feel the need to go stronger as it’s able to handle everything I need it to at that dilution while not being too strong for surfaces.

Carpets & matts, wheel wells [spray & hose off. I like using it better than Super Degreaser on wells because unlike D108 its less prone to turning them white once they dry], coated leather seats, dash, vinyl, door panels, plastic trim, steering wheels, it’s good for so many things @10:1.

A co worker of mine is always asking me to give him some... He even swears it’s great on glass. I told him I’ve got glass cleaner concentrate but he seems content with D101. Lol.

My mom even says it’s good on glass and she’s a professional housekeeper. I was surprised to hear her say that.. She says D120 works good but she hates the strong smell.

12-05-2017, 01:39 AM
They use it on windows at 10:1?????? Wow

12-05-2017, 04:49 AM
They use it on windows at 10:1?????? Wow

I just tried it on a big mirror here inside the house... It didn’t do too bad actually. No streaks or anything, but there was very minimal “linting” or microscopic spotting [best way I can describe it] even though my glass towel never lints.

I then followed it up with a completely new sides of the towel and D120 and it made a slight improvement.. But that improvement took it to perfect, which I assume most normL people may or may not notice, but I sure can.

12-06-2017, 12:58 PM
I wish they made this stuff in a smaller amount. 1 gallon for my 2 personal cars will last years and years ! haha

12-06-2017, 12:59 PM
I wish they made this stuff in a smaller amount. 1 gallon for my 2 personal cars will last years and years ! haha

You can use it around the house.

12-07-2017, 01:40 PM
2 questions then i'll leave this topic alone..

1. I have read things about d101 and people staining their vinyl, rubber and plastic with it. Maybe they didn't dilute it enough but is this a real concern? I liked this product because i want to clean wheels, tires, wheel wells, and spot treat interior plastics, rubber, etc and then dress with something else but being new i don't want to clean and turn my black interior white !

2. Is there a less aggressive approach then d101, something more safe but will still give results? I saw PoorBoys APC and maybe its because it says bio-degradable, but is it a "safer" route ?

12-07-2017, 04:02 PM
1. I've yet to experience any staining of rubber, vinyl or plastic in the 4 years I've been using D101. YMMV. You certainly shouldn't spray and let the product sit. I have used D101 undiluted on tires and bird poop to no ill effect. There could have been a myriad of reasons someone might have experienced staining. Always test an inconspicuous spot for color fastedness and use common sense.

2. Any APC diluted down to the manufacturer's recommendations will pretty much have comparable strength and safety. If you want something 'safer' you need to look into dedicated cleaners, i.e. interior detailers, carpet cleaner, tire cleaner etc. Bio-degradable doesn't necessarily mean safer, although I don't doubt The Poorboy's product is good, it probably is (never used it, but they have a good reputation).

12-07-2017, 04:40 PM
You certainly shouldn't spray and let the product sit.

thank you, can you help me with this part. Maybe I got it wrong because I was under the impression that you dilute in a spray bottle, spray some on a towel and rub the plastic or rubber parts you want cleaned. Are you saying that i need to re-wipe with a clean towel or how exactly do i not let the product sit ? I will be dressing it afterword with an interior dressing.

12-07-2017, 05:46 PM
Depends, for interior trim you spray on the towel not the panel and don't need to buff with a clean towel unless you really want to. If you clean upholstery you should wipe the excess with a clean microfiber.

12-07-2017, 07:46 PM
If sprayed upon a warm or hot inside door panel and left to sit it will stain it causing run stains. I have used d101 strictly interior for 2 years now and learned to always spray it on the towel first. I do spray it on the door sills and into the cup holders but everywhere else I spray the rag. Good product for light cleaning.

I sometimes would spray the paint of filthy cars to remove the first layer of dirt but I have found it to stain some paints and leave run marks so I stopped doing that. Does not clean tires or wheels.

12-07-2017, 07:48 PM
Doesn't clean tires, even at a 4:1?