View Full Version : Several questions after using M105/M205 combo

11-02-2017, 01:16 AM
Hello everyone,

I tried to paint correct my driver's side rear quarter panel using M105/M205 tonight and the result was very disappointing.

I have 2014 BMW 5 Series in Jet Black and I am the second owner of this vehicle. Now, I recently discover that the driver's side rear quarter panel has been worked on by the previous owner which he never mentioned. I was able to tell because from a certain angle you can see a spot where they used bondo and paint. I am assuming that the previous owner did this to hide the damage because fixing the entire rear quarter panel for BMW is very expensive.

Now since it's too late for me to do anything about the previous owner lying (I had this car for more than 1 year), I wanted to see if I can make that area look somewhat better by using M105/M205 combo.

I was using GG 6" with GG's MF Fast Cutting Pad and did about 6 passes. After the initial wipe, I was still able to see some long scratches so I did another 2 sessions of 4-5 passes but I just couldnt get rid of all the scratches. I tried to see if I was able to catch these scratches with my fingernail but i couldn't.

So here are my questions,

1) If my fingernail wasnt able to catch any of these stubborn scratches, doesnt that mean they are not deep enough for me to using sandpaper and my polisher is supposed to remove them? Is my GG 6" not strong enough? Im pretty sure GG's MF Fast Cutting Pad and M105 is the most aggressive combo that I can use so im assuming that the culprit is the GG 6"?

2) Also, even though I wanted to get rid of every single scratches before I polish/wax, it was late already and I have to use the car tomorrow morning so I had no choice but to polish with M205 and wax after but I discover bunch of these tiny white dots all over the panel and they do not come off using a mf. What in the world are these? They are driving me nuts!!!


Thanks in advance!

11-02-2017, 09:49 AM
Some scratches that are tough to get out. There are more aggressive compounds and pads than MF Fast Cutting and M105. I'm not sure that's the best idea. They can go through your clear coat and then you have a bigger problem.

You need to make sure your pad is spinning when trying to correct these scratches. Do you have a mark on the backing plate so you can be sure it's spinning?

From that picture I can't tell what you're talking about. The marks I'm seeing look like chips and scratches through the paint. If that's correct you'll need touch-up paint to correct those. There are some good articles and discussions here about that. Hopefully somebody with more experience will give an opinion.

11-02-2017, 10:24 AM
You may not be able to get everything out. Some scratches are just too deep. With the work you already did you may have leveled the paint enough to not be able to grab your nail.

I'm not sure about the images and white spots... a guess would be chips or pits in the paint and it's product left in them?