View Full Version : Anyone REALLY into fitness training?

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Tex Star Detail
01-17-2008, 08:43 PM
Got this idea after talking with Tonya...... Thanks Tonya!:D

Looking to see if anyone was into fitness training a lot. Cardio, strength training, etc...
I am looking into getting into it, and needed advice from square one. Diet plans, workout plans, and the whole nine yards.

I wanted to get in better shape this year, and the ultimate goal is before summer time. It's going to take a lot of sacrifice and 100% commitment. I recently had a LOT of spare time fall into my hands, so I figured, what a better way to spend that time, stay busy, and relieve stress.
One of my goals is to be 10-15% body fat. Right now, I am, well, no where near that.:D Looking to get lean, yet build extreme muscle, flatten the belly out ( :cheers: ), and just get semi cut for now.

A trip to the gym today for a tour was nice, except the price with a personal trainer. Wanted to do 72 sessions, 3 sessions a week, 2-3 hours a session. Came out to almost $3500, plus $40 something a month for membership. OUCH. Not what I was looking to fork out. Took a trip to GNC to get some info on weight lose supplements and protein shakes. Didn't seem bad.

So, I'm looking to see if anyone else has been into the "gym scene", and what do you do for training.
Any sites with plans would be good too.
Contemplating on joining a fitness forum for insight, but I'd feel like a complete tard, as I have been reading some of the threads over there. Looks way over my head, but I guess everyone has to start somewhere.


01-17-2008, 09:39 PM
Yeah, I've worked out different periods of my life. I've done it three ways. Years ago I bought a Sears Weight set with the enclosed set of excercises and did that for years on my own. Fast forward ten years; I joined a gym, had one instructional session with a trainer where he listed excercises for each day (upper body one day, lower body the next day, etc,). I did that for years on my own. Now I go to a small gym twice a week and have a personal trainer for $100 a month (that includes the gym membership). He spends 30 minutes each of the two days on "core" training and then I spend another 30 minutes on cardio machines. That's not enough according to my doctor. He said that you need a minimum of 4 days per week, 30 minute sessions of cardio.
I'd say shop around for a better price. That's way too high.
If you get a good guy helping you they are pretty good with diet and nutrition but I'd say don't worry about that until you get the work-out routine down. Maybe after a couple of months. You'll be amazed at the changes that you see and feel after a couple of months at it. If I can help with any questions that you might have shoot me a PM. Please keep in mind that I am far from being an expert. Just been where you are at.
Got a good diet idea from my guy too.

01-17-2008, 10:29 PM
Hey Chris your welcome! Seems like Jimmie can help you out. If you need more help let me know. I have clients and friends that are personal trainers. They help me out from time to time. I can hook you up with some ripped dudes. :D

01-17-2008, 10:43 PM
I used to compete in Bodybuilding and was a personal trainer. Here are a few quick pointers for you to get started. Diet is key to getting cut, you can train like an animal but will never get the results you should get unless you match your diet to your training. Also you can't localize fat reduction ie. sit ups will not remove fat from your stomach area. Your body stores fat in a particular way and will burn it off the same it puts it on. Don't measure your results by a weight scale...measure your progress by the way your clothes begin to loosen around your waist line and your muscle begins to become more prevalent and by looking in the mirror. Start by cutting out as much fat from your diet as possible and eat alot of lean protein, Chicken, turkey, tuna w/out mayo etc. Eat 5 smaller meals throughout the day instead of 2 or 3 big meals. Buy the Arnold Swartzenegger Encyclopedia of Modern bodybuilding. It's an old publication but very easy to read and understand and he explains all the different excercises that you can do and which muscle groups they work. Check your local library. That should get you started, In my experience if you are serious and hit the gym regularly (4-6 days a week) and stay at it for 2 months religiously you will most likely see the results that you want and will get hooked thereby sticking with it for the long haul. If you discourage easily and have a habit of working out for 2 weeks and then getting lazy and quiting then hire a personal trainer for 2 months to hopefully get you over the hump. It's seeing results that gets you addicted to working out and you will see results within 3 weeks if you are already lean, but if you have some extra baggage and are not muscular already then your eating will greatly determine how quickly you see results hence why it is so important. If you are looking for a personal trainer take the same approach as if you were looking for a detailer. IMO if your personal trainer does not "LOOK" the way you want to look yourself find one that does. I can't tell you how many personal trainers think they are "all that" yet they have no real life application of what they "read in a book" or were taught in class. My clients came to me because they knew I not only talked the talk, but I walked the walk. My physique was my business card if you will. Also if you don't see a personal trainer at your gym who looks good, simply try talking to the guys working out that do. You will find that most of them are very nice and happy to help you out with questions about training and or diet much like the professionals on this forum helping out the rookies with detailing. Basically it all boils down to you and how motivated you are. As nike says "Just do it!":D and GOOD LUCK!

01-17-2008, 10:47 PM
Hey Texstar i would recomed saveing some money and going on Discountanabolics.com rather than GNC I am a member of the forum over there and it is a great place to get diet, traneing suplement tips... And just about anything else you would like to know ... I highley recomend the forum for solid info

01-18-2008, 06:13 AM
I'm with ya Chris. My family (and some friends) are actually having a contest.....yes.......the biggest loser:), just like the show. We are all(approximately 100 of us) going on a 7 day cruise in June and we could all shed a few pounds and get in better shape. There are about 20 of us in the contest and it is based on who can lose the highest % of weight, compared to their starting weight. We all put in 20 bucks and will have a "weigh in" once a month. There will be a winner at every weigh in and they will get 10 bucks. At the last weigh in, the winner will get the rest of the money AND will be able to command each of the losers to "fetch" something for them on the cruise.......a "drink slave" per se, so they probably will not have to get up many times and can RRREEELLLLLAAAAAXXXXX! We came up with this as an inspiration for us to get up and get busy in the new year, and for our health, of course. I've been eating very well for the past week and a half and have already lost 5-7lbs. and am already feeling better. Before I got married and had kids I worked out religiously 4-5 days a week for 8-10 years. Well, that was a while ago and now I'm at the age(turn 40 this year) where taking care of myself and eating right is at a premium and quite frankly, it's a MUST. I'm looking forward to start exercising regularly again and am starting SLOWLY, so I don't kill myself:D We've already started walking in the evenings and have purchased an elliptical machine, so hopefully the extra baggage will start coming off soon. Keep us posted on your progress, and I will do the same. Trust me, I love good food and have eaten WAY too much fast food in the past 10 years or so, but now I'm ready to change. Don't get me wrong, I can be at my target body weight in 3-5 months probably, but I'm going to have to change my habits, and have already started doing so. Good luck and as said before, make sure you are eating a proper diet.....it's equally important, if not more. And remember to drink PLENTY of water. This is something that I have not done in the past. I'm sure I could have helped put out the fires in California with how much I'm peeing now:)

Here is a link I was reading last night as I was researching some things. Althought the site is geared toward bodybuilding, it has plenty of health info on the left sidebar, including training tips, diets, workouts, and plenty of other information. I found their supplements to be some of the cheapest I found on the net. I ordered something the other day and it got here in 2 days! Good luck bro!!

Bodybuilding.com - Guaranteed Lowest Prices! Huge Selection! (http://www.bodybuilding.com/store/index.html)

01-18-2008, 06:21 AM
I hope to drop 80 lbs this year. Good luck Chris....

01-18-2008, 08:29 AM
Some good info here so far. I used to be big in the weight training, getting back into it now. Like mentioned before diet plays a huge part of training. Like mentioned before getting supplements online can be cheaper. bodybuilding.com is good from what I heard. My fav. is bulknutrition.com, but I am kind of bias toward them as I used to work for them. Do lots of reading and changing your diet. One thing that is important is protein intake when you are weight lifting. I generally try to get about 1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. You may want to get some protein powder for protein boost during the day and for post-workout. I would get some that had some BCAA's to aid in your muscles recovery. There is tons more to it so like said before read up on some of the forums. Mostly the stickys on the forums are get reads.

Showroom Shine
01-18-2008, 11:22 AM
Yeah I knew you'd get alot of replies on that one. I used to do bodybuilding competitions a few years back. Amature level of course.
I'm 50 now, don't compete but still hit the Iron. It's a life style, not for a few months to get into shape. I live in Columbus Ohio, home of the Arnold Classic. Which I never miss. Might be something you might consider checking out. Let me warn you, bodybuilding and working out can consume you like the Detailing can. It takes time , effort, comitttment,diet,rest, recovery, suppliments,$$$$.
Be aware,and this is not my opinion. I' ve done it. I have about 5k body building books mags etc. Clothes ,gloves, hats , supps, the whole nine! But it is a self rewarding hobby. It will also help fend off aging and will increase self esteem! Let me know how it goes. My e-mail is flexright@insight.rr.com Can you figure why the e-mail. OWNED! :righton:

01-18-2008, 11:42 AM
i work out at least 5 times a week, honestly all i can say, is stay dedicated, if you don't have the best work out plan or really know what to do, at least stay dedicated. It is so easy to quit working out. I do arms one day, then chest, then back and shoulders, then legs, and abs. Many people have different workout routines. Do what works bets for you. Good luck man.

01-18-2008, 12:20 PM
Some good info here so far. I used to be big in the weight training, getting back into it now. Like mentioned before diet plays a huge part of training. Like mentioned before getting supplements online can be cheaper. bodybuilding.com is good from what I heard. My fav. is bulknutrition.com, but I am kind of bias toward them as I used to work for them. Do lots of reading and changing your diet. One thing that is important is protein intake when you are weight lifting. I generally try to get about 1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight. You may want to get some protein powder for protein boost during the day and for post-workout. I would get some that had some BCAA's to aid in your muscles recovery. There is tons more to it so like said before read up on some of the forums. Mostly the stickys on the forums are get reads.
Really?? I used to order from them when I worked out a few years back. They were located in NC but now else were. I loved to pick up Vaso pro (ECA's) from there.

To the OP like mentioned scratch the 3 times a day meal, eat 5/6 small meals with plenty of fluids. I myself have to lose 100lbs as I have let myself go in a horrible way (knee injury started it). Don't bother with a scale (like mentioned) as drinking a glass of water can through off your actual weight. Listen to what your clothes tell you, jeans don't lie (or stretch LOL) if they get lose thats all that matters. Also if you do take supplements stay away from any one that contains gugglesterone in it. Google it and you'll see why and you'll find some of the popular fat burners (Lipo6 being one of them) has this ingredient (why I don't know). Another thing If time become an issue to prepare healthy meals start preparing them the day before and just reheat when ready to eat. What I do now is on Sundays I bake 4 or 5 large pieces of chicken breast and some brown/wild rice then store them in the fridge. So for a quick healthy meal I just reheat the chicken and rice and warm up some black beans and have at it. Just measure the amount of rice and beans you eat during your meal.

Tex Star Detail
01-18-2008, 01:45 PM
Wow, a lot of good info!

So basically, now I am looking for a plan. What to do as far as the actual training. I am good for 3-5 times a week. I really don't know what to do, what order, how long, etc. I think I will hold off on the gym for a little while. Looking more for at home type things until I get the hang of everything.
Should I do cardio the same day as strength training? Before or after? Breaks in between? How long? 30 minutes to an hour? Whats the best cardio?

01-18-2008, 02:45 PM
Really?? I used to order from them when I worked out a few years back. They were located in NC but now else were. I loved to pick up Vaso pro (ECA's) from there.
Sure did. Worked there for about 2.5 yrs. Loved it there. Moving to SC I just wasnt able to work for the company like I liked too. Vasopro man that stuff sold like wild fire. Went to the Arnold Classic one year had a ball. Met Arnold himself, met lots of owners of other companies, Eddie Murphy..etc...

Wow, a lot of good info!

So basically, now I am looking for a plan. What to do as far as the actual training. I am good for 3-5 times a week. I really don't know what to do, what order, how long, etc. I think I will hold off on the gym for a little while. Looking more for at home type things until I get the hang of everything.
Should I do cardio the same day as strength training? Before or after? Breaks in between? How long? 30 minutes to an hour? Whats the best cardio? Many peoples workouts are different than others. I personally don't do much cardio as it hard enough for me to put on weight. I wouldn't do cardio and strength on same day. On days off from weight training I would do cardio. The best thing I have found is to switch up workouts as it keeps your muscles guessing. I have seen a bigger difference when using free weights. As far as time don't over do yourself, do it at your own pace at first.

Tex Star Detail
01-18-2008, 05:59 PM
So how does this sound:

Mon: Cardio
Tues:Strength 1-2 hrs
Thur: Strength 1-2 hrs
Sat & Sun: Strength 1-2 hrs per day.

Now I know it sounds dumb, why 7 days a week. Well, I am really pumped to do this. I want to get in awesome shape and just feel better.

For cardio, how long should you being doing it? 1 hour? 30 minutes?
I really want to do something to get results.
What are some good cardio exercises to really get the body going?
What about strength exercises? Pushups, sit ups, weighted squats?

I am looking to work my gut, chest, and arms mainly at the moment. Then work in my back, legs, shoulders, etc....

Are there any good sites for diets that match exercises? I am trying to figure out a meal plan, but all I can think of is soda and pizza at the moment. lol

01-18-2008, 07:08 PM
Good luck Texas, I just started about three months ago and have been faithful to the gym and I feel like a new person. Its the diet I need to work on. As for the trainer, you can get much cheaper... or better yet buddy up with someone that obviously knows what they are doing. You will find most like to have a workout partner. I know I get bored when working out alone, unless I am in a time bind.
Good Luck!