View Full Version : Customer response, feedback please!

10-08-2017, 05:31 PM
A little background information before I get into it. The customers wife contacted me about a week ago looking to have her husbands work truck detailed. I gave her a quote of $275 for a full interior detail and wash, chem and clay decontamination, and an AIO to try to remove some of the smaller scratches. He texted me today asking what I have for availability. With my response I stated I wanted to get a little more information to make sure I was offering him the right services to meet his expectations.

I quoted $275 for an AIO, and $400 for a full compound and polish followed by a wax. The $400 quote was probably way too low for what I offered (yes/no?), but they are friends of my in-laws and I've know them for a while. His reply was that he already had two quotes of $300 from two other guys to do everything and that He could just go with one of them.

Here is my main question: Did I handle this correctly?
Here was my response:
"If the other detailers are doing a fully compound and polish that is a really good price. One that I cannot compete with. If you want me to do your truck for $275 using the all in one, I'd be happy to have your business. If you decide that you want to use one of the other guys, I completely understand and respect your decision"

Now, at $300 I am thinking these detailers are also using an AIO,making no money, or really rushing through the job. Are there any detailers on here that do a full correction with interior detail for $300?

This conversation was all done through text because he was away with family and couldn't have the conversation over the phone(mistake #1?). I'm not upset that he might go with someone else, I just wanted to preset him with a few different options so that he could make the best decision based on what his goals were for his vehicle. If its a work vehicle and will remain a work vehicle, there is no sense in spending the extra money if its just going to get scratched again within the next few months.

I appreciate any feedback you can give me.

10-08-2017, 05:45 PM
If someone mentions another detailer trying to haggle for a better price I literally wouldn't even waste my time to respond. You get what you pay for, period.

Dr Oldz
10-08-2017, 07:18 PM
My prices are often triple of the other “detailers”. So I usually don’t have an issue. But a few times people have said that so and so can do it for xxx dollars. I just politely tell them that I offer a different quality of service. Most navigate towards the cheaper price but the true car guys actually respect my stance and usually book my services. A few occasions people have gone to the cheaper offerings and have had me fix their work.

One thing I highly suggest is not lowering your price for anyone. Don’t sell yourself short. Remember your passion will show in your work and you time is worth money.

10-08-2017, 08:43 PM
If someone mentions another detailer trying to haggle for a better price I literally wouldn't even waste my time to respond. You get what you pay for, period.

Exactly! I agree 100%. If someone was to tell me they have 2 others to do what they want for "X" amount of money already, I'd tell them "good luck"

As far as your pricing question goes, I feel it's very low, but at the end of the day it's up to you.