View Full Version : swirl marks on Lambo

01-16-2008, 03:38 PM
I am going to be doing a swirl removal on a canary yellow lambo next week...
My question is how hard is the clear generaly on these cars... I have pb ssr1/ ssr2/ ssr2.5 ,pro polish and others the swirls can realy only be seen under artifical light so they are not bad at all.... I am thinking of trying the 2.5 first because it is less agresive than the 2 and more than the 1 unless somebody chimes in and tells me that the clear is super hard if that is the case i will order some ssr3 .... Oh by the way yes i do love my poor boys products in case you havent figured that out yet.....

Gary Sword
01-16-2008, 08:27 PM
I would rate the hardness of the clear on my yellow Gallardo as medium. I have never used Poorboy's on it.

01-16-2008, 09:50 PM
If it's medium as Gary says, the 2.5 should work well for you. Actually, start with the 1 and work your way up, as you say they are not bad at all. If you do have to step up to the 2.5, you can drop down to the 1 after that. No need to use the 2 in between. Post some pics when you are done.

01-16-2008, 11:45 PM
will do thanks for the replys...