View Full Version : Tips in doing underwash

09-24-2017, 08:42 PM
So I was wondering how does everyone wash their undercarriage without lifting the whole vehicle? I bought a set of lift kit and other shiny truck parts (http://4wheelonline.com/) and I would like to retain and preserve it in pristine condition, but it would be hard work if I have to uninstall it regularly just to clean it including other undercarriage parts.

10-13-2017, 01:45 PM
Someone else just asked in a different thread. I found this in an old thread on here. I assume I'm safe to post it since AG doesn't have any competing products. If it's not ok to post, please remove and my apologies.


10-13-2017, 03:10 PM
So I was wondering how does everyone wash their undercarriage without lifting the whole vehicle? I bought a set of lift kit and other shiny truck parts (http://4wheelonline.com/) and I would like to retain and preserve it in pristine condition, but it would be hard work if I have to uninstall it regularly just to clean it including other undercarriage parts.

Coat it before installing, just like you would some new wheels.

10-13-2017, 06:55 PM
Don't go to the touch less wash and get the undercarriage wash. the last 2 times I went there it stained my wheel wells with some white crap that would not come off even with full strength OPC. I just went last week and I saw all the new stains today while washing. I wish I could sue them to be honest.