View Full Version : Wolfgang Spritz Sealant

09-04-2017, 02:35 PM
I wash my car weekly since it sits outside 24/7. I love to use Spritz Sealant after each wash, because it feels like it was just waxed again. Which I guess it kinda has been.

Does it not make much sense to use Spritz Sealant on a weekly basis? I love the way it makes the car feel, but is it adding way overkill on a protection standpoint?


09-04-2017, 02:40 PM
It can be used as a wax or sealant booster. In my mind there is no such thing as overkill. If it works well for you and your paint then keep using it until you find reason not to.

09-04-2017, 02:43 PM
I have the Viking Spray and the Spray Wax. They are great products. As far as my opinion goes...I don't see any issues of what you do. I don't think it's overkill. IMO we all love to detail and this just soothes the mind too!
If you had a garage (which I do) that would be a different story. But your ride is out in the elements 24/7. I say spray away!

09-04-2017, 03:48 PM
You guys are Awesome!!!

Thankyou for your replies, and the encouragement to just "Spray Away". That is what I will do! When you say spray away, I think of Mel Gibson telling Joakim Phoenix to swing away in that alien movie. Lol

09-04-2017, 03:50 PM
You guys are Awesome!!!

Thankyou for your replies, and the encouragement to just "Spray Away". That is what I will do! When you say spray away, I think of Mel Gibson telling Joakim Phoenix to swing away in that alien movie. Lol
I love that movie! :)

09-04-2017, 07:36 PM
I considered buying the WG SS... but decided not to.

I did buy WG DGPS and applied 2 layers of that before the winter came.
I thought of the SS... but I already had 1 gallon of Meguiars D156 XPress wax.

Sorry to ask... but does anyone know if the "Spritz Sealant" is considered a "topical wax/sealant"?
I'm guessing it is not the same as DGPS... and if that is the case... is it more of a synthetic spray wax?

09-04-2017, 07:46 PM
you guys are awesome!!!

Thankyou for your replies, and the encouragement to just "spray away". That is what i will do! When you say spray away, i think of mel gibson telling joakim phoenix to swing away in that alien movie. Lol


09-05-2017, 11:52 PM
I considered buying the WG SS... but decided not to.

I did buy WG DGPS and applied 2 layers of that before the winter came.
I thought of the SS... but I already had 1 gallon of Meguiars D156 XPress wax.

Sorry to ask... but does anyone know if the "Spritz Sealant" is considered a "topical wax/sealant"?
I'm guessing it is not the same as DGPS... and if that is the case... is it more of a synthetic spray wax?

I use it in the same way as any Spray Wax/Sealant just like the way one would use Megs D156 or Aquawax. I use it just after a car wash. But it does take 12 hours to fully cure. It it is said that it lasts much longer than a normal Spray Wax like the ones mentioned.

Some use it as they're primary Sealant. I don't use it that way.

Dr Oldz
09-06-2017, 12:01 AM
If your happy then by all means continue to use it if you like it! I've never seen paint that was "overprotected"

The only downside I see is it getting wet for the next 12 hours and it is a bit pricy compared to other spray wax/sealants. If you are ok with those two cons and like the product then carry on.