View Full Version : Carpet Cleaning with Drill. What is max rpm to use on carpet?

08-31-2017, 12:05 AM
Hi all. I've recently added power tools to my interior cleaning supply. With that, I added a drill. It worked great, removed a lot more mess, and quickly. The drill I am using is rated up to 3000 RPM. Moving cross hatch just like polishing paint. I didn't damage the carpet what so ever but I was curious to what RPM is too dangerous for carpet to burn or potentially pull apart. Thanks in advance.

08-31-2017, 09:31 AM
Depends GREATLY on the carpet you are working on. Some carpets today are more like trunk liner and some are plush like back in the day. 2 different carpets and 2 different toughness. I wouldnt scrub plush carpets too much with a drill and brush but the trunk liner tight pile ones can usually hold up pretty well.